PaperVenueDateCode Enhancing Software-Related Information Extraction via Single-Choice Question Answering with Large Language Models Others 2024-04 CRE-LLM: A Domain-Specific Chinese Relation Extraction Framework with Fine-tuned Large Language Model Arxiv 2024-04 GitHub Recall, Retrieve and Reason: Towa...
🔥🔥🔥MME: A Comprehensive Evaluation Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Models Project Page [Leaderboards]|Paper The first comprehensive evaluation benchmark for MLLMs. Now the leaderboards include50+advanced models, such as Qwen-VL-Max, Gemini Pro, and GPT-4V. ✨ If you want to ad...
In this paper, we present the results of a large cross-linguistic analysis of written language that we conducted to test the equi-complexity hypothesis which assumes that all languages are (in some sense) equally complex. We operationalized our key quantity of interest, prediction complexity \(F...
In this paper, we present DiVeRSe (Diverse Verifier on Reasoning Step), a novel approach that further enhances the reasoning capability of language models. DiVeRSe has three main components: first, it generates diverse prompts to explore different reasoning paths for the same question; second, it ...
In this paper, we present a zero-shot classification approach to document classification in any language into topics which can be described by English keywords. This is done by embedding both labels and documents into a shared semantic space that allows one to compute meaningful semantic similarity...
wherepjdenotes the language model,xidenotes the wild-type residue andα = 1. To further filter substitutions to only those with the highest likelihood, we choose substitutions based on a consensus scheme, where, for a new amino acid\(x_i^\prime\), we compute ...
A better way to identify and remove tags is to write them in the form of “regular expressions” (a scheme described in the next section), which generally achieves greater success for less effort, in this particular circumstance. An alternative is to use the very application that caused the ...
You can use the search feature of your web browser to find your paper number. Notifications to all authors have also been sent by email. If you have not received your notification of the results by email, please contact us at Paper NumberPaper Title 1315 ”IT ...
Open source code and data for AAAI 2022 Oral Paper "Text is no more Enough! A Benchmark for Profile-based Spoken Language Understanding" dialogue-systems slot-filling task-oriented-dialogue intent-detection spoken-language-understanding complex-slu Updated May 26, 2024 Python Berkeley...
2024-2-20: 📃 We released a survey paper "A Survey on Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models". Welcome to read and cite it. We are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions. Update Log 2024-3-19: Add 14 papers. ...