Paper 2 (Extended): 0522 (UK) Reading Passages–Download Paper–Reading Booklet–Download Mark Scheme Paper 3: 0522 (UK) Directed Writing and Composition–Download Paper–Reading Booklet–Download Mark Scheme June 2015 – CIE IGCSE English – First Language Past Exam ...
Cambridge IGCSE IsiZulu as a Second Language Syllabus code 0531 For examination in November 20111.1 Why choose Cambridge?1.2 Why choose Cambridge IGCSE IsiZulu as a Second Language?1.3 Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE)1.4 How can I find out more?
Experience preparing students for IGCSE Chinese exams, ideally for first, second, and foreign language papers. Working experience of other curricula such as A-Level and IB are a strong advantage; Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Chinese;...
languageenglishsecondigcse语言punctuation UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2011 question paper for the guidance of teachers 0510 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 0510/22 Paper 2 (Reading and Writing – Extende...
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE英文版本.pdf,International General Certificate Syllabus of Secondary Education ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 0510 For examination in June and November 2010 CIE provides syllabuses, past papers, examiner reports, mark schemes an
Cambridge IGCSE Kazakh as a Second Language Syllabus code 0532 For examination in June 20111.1 Why choose Cambridge?1.2 Why choose IGCSE Kazakh as a Second Language?1.3 Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE)1.4 How can I find out more?
把CIE IGCSE English literature的考纲给你搬来了,再给你搬了份past paper paper 1, 希望对题主有...