These questions have been central to language policy scholarship for years. In 2015, the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations following the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) generated another key question: How d...
Answer these questions and decide whether the statements are true or false (tick T for True or F for False): 1. Apart from its crucial ingredient—Worcester sauce, what does the drink called Bloody Mary comprise? 2. Worcester sauce gets its name from the town of Worcester, its birthplace....
•Youshouldbeawarethatmarkscanbelostfor poorspellingandpunctuation(grammar). •Youneedtobeabletoaddresstheanthology questionswithminimaltimespentreadingthe passageasthoughforthefirsttime •THISPAPERISWORTH70%OFYOUROVERALLMARK –WORKITOUT! JonathanPeelSGS2013 SectionA:UnseennonSectionA:Unseennon fictionfict...
Q2, Q5, Q6 and Q7. Questions three, four and eight (Q3, Q4, Q8) showed the students’ medial motivation and no lack of motivation was observed among these eight questions.
They were distributed a questionnaire of 11 questions, which were all multiple choice questions. So, the study brings out the role of TBLT, through the eyes of teachers, to let further research with learners. The results showed that TBLT rises significantly the grammar knowledge in students, ...
This paper has hand-reviewed 100 samples from the dataset and concludes that around 25% of the questions are difficult or impossible to answer even for a human, mostly due to the anonymisation process. They present a simple classifier that achieves unexpectedly good results, and a neural network...
Paper tables with annotated results for Red-Teaming Large Language Models using Chain of Utterances for Safety-Alignment
In this paper, we describe REAP, a system designed to assign each student individualized readings by combining detailed student and curriculum modelling with the large amount of authentic materials on the Web. REAP is designed to be used as an additional resource in teacher-led classes, as well...
this paper brings to the fore several problematic assumptions underlying their conception of language. In this context, the concepts of innateness, modularity, universal grammar and systematicity are addressed in a critical manner. On the other hand, this paper aims to make explicit a key concept ...
After either of the above, we'll describe how you can plot the results in our paper. Running true few-shot prompt selection experiments yourself First, move to the top-level directory in this repo (e.g., runcd $BASE). From there, the following command will run inference with DistilGPT...