At the same time, there is a controversy in the NLP community regarding the research value of the huge pretrained language models occupying the leaderboards. While lots of AI experts agree withAnna Rogers’s statementthat getting state-of-the-art results just by using more data and computing po...
1.背景介绍 大语言模型(Large Language Model,LLM)是一种深度学习模型,主要用于自然语言处理(NLP)任务,如文本生成、文本分类、情感分析等。在过去的几年里,大语言模型取得了显著的… 光剑书架上的书 DataComp-LM:寻找语言模型的下一代训练集 2406.11794v3 (摘要我们介绍了DataComp for Language Models (...
基于计数的n-gram的优点主要是统计的方法比较简单(如果建好索引就只是常量时间的查表而已),而且有复杂的平滑算法辅助,缺点主要是不能捕捉完整的历史信息(比如上面Alice去沙滩的例子),有时候不能捕捉语义相似词的概率分布。更多的优缺点在下面这张图中解释的详细一点。 3.2.2 Neural N-Gram Language Models 在N-gram...
Fortunately, rapidly improving computing power, new tools and avenues of mass data collection, and recent improvements in NLP algorithms (large language models) have all made it possible to train computers to understand human language more efficiently and more accurately.Wang, J. K....
Eight Things to Know about Large Language Models; Samuel R. Bowman et al A PhD Student’s Perspective on Research in NLP in the Era of Very Large Language Models; Oana Ignat et al Brain in a Vat: On Missing Pieces Towards Artificial General Intelligence in Large Language Models; Yuxi Ma ...
nlpmachine-learningnatural-language-processingaipaper-listpre-trained-language-modelsgpt-3prompt-learningprompt-tuning UpdatedMay 14, 2024 sunyilgdx/SIFRank_zh Star420 Code Issues Pull requests Keyphrase or Keyword Extraction 基于预训练模型的中文关键词抽取方法(论文SIFRank: A New Baseline for Unsupervised...
LLMs represent a significant breakthrough in NLP andartificial intelligence, and are easily accessible to the public through interfaces like Open AI’s Chat GPT-3 and GPT-4, which have garnered the support of Microsoft. Other examples include Meta’s Llama models and Google’s bidirectional enco...
上下文学习(in-context learning) 提示生成技术(prompt generation),包括: 可变微调软提示技术(differentiable tuning of soft prompts) 自然语言提示工程(natural language prompt engineering):它为人类提供了一个自然的界面与机器沟通,这里的机器不仅限于LLMs,也包括诸如提示驱动的图像合成器之类的模型。
综述一:A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models 一、多模态LLM的组成部分 (1)模态编码器 (2)语言模型 (3)连接器 二、预训练 三、SFT微调 四、RLHF对齐训练 (1)使用常见的PPO (2)使用DPO直接偏好对齐 (3)常见用于对齐的偏序数据集 综述二:MM-LLMs: Recent Advances in MultiModal Large Language Mod...
如何获取? 输入, 点击立即使用, 根据提示一步一步完成即可获得。 有免费调用额度, 对于个人而言已经够了。 3.启动项目, 前端页面访问http://localhost:8080/ai,swagger文档访问http://localhost:8080/ai/doc.html ...