Enhance your language learning experience with our Chrome extension designed for Netflix and YouTube. With simultaneous dual subtitles and integrated dictionaries, you can take your listening skills to the next level. Dual Subtitles Integrated Dictionaries Seamless Language Learning Save Your Time and ...
《Language Learning with Netflix & YouTube-AFL》听原汁原味的读音,用奈飞Youtube双字幕学英语 zhaoolee 旷野之息爱好者Netflix有大量的优质影视剧,提供大量学习英语的优秀素材,虽然Netflix为各种剧配置了多语言字幕,但原生并不支持多种字幕共同显示,本篇文章推荐一个小工具,可以让Netflix和的Web版直接显示多语言字...
access the various language learning tools and strategies that Lingopie offers alongside your preferred Netflix content. Don't miss out on this opportunity – join Lingopie now and unlock the full potential of language learning with Netflix by using the powerful Netflix language learning extension....
病毒、间谍软件、恶意软件 指向病毒、间谍软件、恶意软件或钓鱼站点的任何链接或其倡议。 内容侵权 任何似乎侵犯你的知识产权的行为。 其他 由使用条款或行为准则定义的任何其他不适当的内容或行为。 注释* 提供电子邮件地址 包括你的电子邮件地址,即表示你同意 Microsoft 可以就你的反馈向你发送电子邮件。Microsoft 隐私...
Language Learning with Netflix插件是一种旨在通过Netflix平台提高语言学习效果的Chrome扩展程序。当用户在Netflix上观看视频时,该插件可以提供双语字幕,允许用户将原始音频和文本与他们的语言翻译进行比较,从而加深对语言的理解。 软件教程 安装说明 1.下载安装文件 下载插件,并在浏览器安全提示时选择【保留】,在下载文...
谷歌浏览器插件 AFL 是一个告别看电影时使用字典的工具,全名appforlanguage,此扩展是语言学习与Netflix(测试版)和语言学习与YouTube(缩写LLN+LLY)的结合,由语言应用程序(AFL)团队制作。 Language Learning with Netflix YouTube-AFL v4.24.7.2 上次更新日期:2024
Done Improved Anki export (https://forum.languagelearningwithnetflix.com/t/improved-anki-support/) (fixed in v3… 59 80332 2022 年3 月 2 日 bug in translate and we need Dubbing videos Request 0 1 2025 年2 月 19 日 LR for Korean doesn't recognise conjugation Request 0 3 ...
At Language Learning with Netflix, we realize that studying a language shouldn’t seem like a chore. Here’s how we make it easier and more fun for you: Learn While Having Fun: There’s no better manner to analyze than by watching the suggests and films you love. Language getting to ...
Language Learning with Netflix recommends Dark. Atmospheric German thriller shot in shadows and filled with anxiety. Great for current social and family vocabulary and conversations. Victoria. This extraordinary film uses just one shot and one camera to take us through two hours in the lives of Vi...
Language Learning with Netflix是一款可以在看电影的时候练练英语的插件,免费版就够用了。 透过观赏外语电影与电视剧,愉快且有效地自学新的语言 在上下文中使用数千小时的真实语言来建立您的听力理解。安装后,当您在Netflix网站上观看视频时,您将拥有其他语言学习功能。