word formation: compound words 1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying . • I’ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb) • budding crypt-kickers (compound noun) • a rear-view mirror (compound adjective) • the once-a-year holiday to...
Language in use word formation: compound words 1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying . • I’ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb) • budding crypt-kickers (compound noun) • a rear-view mirror (compound adjective) • the once-...
Language in use word formation: compound words 1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying . ? I ’ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb) ? budding crypt-kickers (compound noun) ? a rear-view mirror (compound adjective) ? the once-a-year ...
Languageinuse 1Completethesentenceswiththewordsin brackets 2Answerthequestions 3Completethesentenceswithsuitable expressions 4TranslatetheparagraphintoChinese 5TranslatetheparagraphintoEnglish Wordformation:-ancyand–ance Wordsendingin-ancyrefertoastateratherthantoa ...
1、 Word formation: -ancy and ance Words ending in -ancy refer to a state rather than to a person. For example, infancy refers to the state of being a small child. These words are often formed from adjectives or nouns (eg accountant accountancy). The suffix -ance combines with some ...
Languageinuse 1Completethesentenceswiththewordsinbrackets2Answerthequestions3Completethesentenceswithsuitableexpressions4TranslatetheparagraphintoChinese5TranslatetheparagraphintoEnglish Languageinuse Wordformation:-ancyand–ance Wordsendingin-ancyrefertoastateratherthantoaperson.Forexample,infancyreferstothestateofbeing...
Language in use word formation: pro- and anti- 1 Look at the sentence from the passage Dinner at Joanne’s and answer the questions. She was pro-abortion, anti-corruption, pro-low carbon emissions and anti-capital punishment, as fine a progressive liberal as you could find this side of ...
Unit 3 Language in use 篇1 period 4. language in use teaching content: language in use key structures: past simple regular verbs (重点) teaching aims and demands: 1. to summarize and consolidate grammar focus. 2. to summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary. 3.affection and attitude...
They use one-word utterances, or holophrastic sentences to express a concept or predication that would be associated with an entire sentence in adult speech. 一个字阶段:在这个阶段,孩子们学习与意义相关的声音。他们使用一个词的话语,或整体性的句子来表达一个在成人语言中与整个句子相关联的概念或预言...