Sample CV made with our builder—See more CV examples here. One of our users, Kelly, had this to say: The interface and flow from each element in the CV is seamless. I now have a beautiful, contemporary CV and feel great about it. Need to write about other employability skills on you...
CV论文阅读OpenAI CLIP(2/3):Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language 1388 -- 57:31 App [Long Review] Cascaded Diffusion Models for High Fidelity Image Generation 289 -- 52:27 App [Long Review] Wav2Seq: Pre-training Speech-to-Text Encoder-Decoder Models Using 1273 61 38:10...
For instance, we match the accuracy of the original ResNet-50 on ImageNet zero-shot without needing to use any of the 1.28 million training examples it was trained on. We release our code and pre-trained model weights at #openai #clip #pretrain #vi...
Whereas the two 18th century examples I’ve quoted are neutral or even slightly positive about middle-aged men, in the 21st century these men tend to be presented as faintly comical or a bit pathetic—out-of-touch old buffers, or in the throes of an embarrassing midlife crisis. Applied to...
One of the most powerful examples of linguistic generalisation at the level of single words arises in the domain of morphology. In English, as in most other languages of the world, we combine stems (e.g., trust, clean) with a small number of prefixes (e.g., un-, dis-) and suffixes...
The recent advent of large language models has reinvigorated debate over whether human cognitive capacities might emerge in such generic models given sufficient training data. Of particular interest is the ability of these models to reason about novel problems zero-shot, without any direct training. ...
‘easy’ evolutionary rules involving high-frequency residues and more complex rules that are not captured by a multiple sequence alignment or conventional antibody evolution. Conceptually, these low-frequency, affinity-enhancing substitutions are analogous to examples in other disciplines where an ...
importtorchfromaudiolm_pytorchimportHubertWithKmeans,SemanticTransformer,SemanticTransformerTrainer# hubert checkpoints can be downloaded at#'./hubert/',kmeans_path='./hube...
data/nextqa/durations.json \ --num_examples_to_run -1 \ --task sum \ --prompt_type rephrase_sum_mistral \ --num_iterations 2 \ --num_chunks [2,1] \ --merge_ratio 0.25 \ --dst_stride 2 \ --num_words_in_rephrase 20 \ --num_words_in_sum 250 \ --read_scales [-3,-2,...
[2024-07-01] PointLLM has been accepted by ECCV 2024 with all "strong-accept" recommendation. 🎉 We are looking for self-motivated students to conduct research regarding PointLLM. Please send an email torunsxu@gmail.comwith your CV if you are interested!