social changeDramatic transformations in Poland after the fall of communism and the country's thorny path to democracy provide fascinating material for reflection and study of language in its relations to politics and social change. A review of communist newspeak, followed by the breakdown of ...
This book describes the ways in which politicians, church leaders, generals, leaders of national movements and others try to influence our use of language. Professor Cooper argues that language planning is never attempted for its own sake. Rather it is carried out for the attainment of nonlinguis...
planningandsocialchange. 1.Language.Socialaspects 1.Title 4Oi'.9 LibraryofCongresscataloguinginpublicationdata Cooper,RobertLeon,1931- Languageplanningandsocialchange/RobertL.Cooper. p. cm. Bibliography. Includesindex. ISBN0-521-33359-8.-ISBN0-521-33641-4(pbk) 1.Languageplanning.2.Socialchange.1....
change.Only dead languaga cannot change.Especialy when it is needed to make technologial transfer one will also need to import words from other languages that is, if you find it difficult to find the same expression of the words in your own language.Both the dichtionary meaning and the ...
Second, gender differences in language development and with social change. In other words, the language in a dynamic social environment, it is not only influenced by gender, but also by including social, cultural, and psychological factors inherent constraints. 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶...
ThishashappenedinthecaseofRussian.Duringtheperiodfrom1860tothepresentdaythestructureoftheRussiankinshipsystemhasundergoneaveryradicalchangeasaresultofseveralimportantevents: Forexample:theemancipationofserfsin1861,theFirstWorldWar,therevolution,thecollectivizationofagricultureandtheSecondworldWar.Therehasbeenamarkedsocialas...
Robert L. CooperLanguage Planning and Social Change Author(s):John Lihani1 View Affiliations Source:Language Problems and Language Planning,Volume 15, Issue 3, Jan 1991, p. 309 - 312 DOI: Article Type:Book Review ...
The interpersonal function is to indicate, establish or maintain social relationships between people. The textual function is toorganize written or spoken texts in such a manner that they are coherent within themsleves and fit the particular situations in which they are used....
"It's hard to change something when you don't know where to start": Unpacking HIV Vulnerability with Aboriginal Youth in Canada Background: As a result of social and economic inequities, Indigenous youth globally are disproportionately vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. Canada's First Nations, Inuit, and...
Language Change in Social Use江西省九江市都昌县蔡岭镇北炎中学/沈迎迎【Abstract】Language changes with the advancement of society. Language in use gets a further development because of the social revolution, the scientific and technological improvement, and the political and economic booming. Throughout...