journal-of-applied-philosophy.csl journal-of-archaeological-research.csl journal-of-atrial-fibrillation.csl journal-of-basic-microbiology.csl journal-of-biogeography.csl journal-of-biological-chemistry.csl journal-of-biomedical-materials-research-part-a.csl journal-of-bone-and-mineral-research....
This brings me to Diane von Furstenberg, and the statement quoted above, and, most specifically, her reference to “the smaller people.” In case you are not familiar with DVF, she is an aging fashion designer who, arguably, invented the “wrap-dress” decades ago. She is apparently, acco...
journal-of-animal-physiology-and-animal-nutrition.csl journal-of-animal-science.csl journal-of-antimicrobial-chemotherapy.csl journal-of-applied-animal-science.csl journal-of-applied-ecology.csl journal-of-applied-entomology.csl journal-of-applied-philosophy.csl journal-of-archaeological-research...
In light of the notion that the co-verbal alignment and synchronization processes are the conductors behind any affective and human-like social interaction, this paper provides novel concepts to research, fuse, and describe how complex linguistic and paralinguistic signals interact with visual cues duri...
1971. Deep structure, surface structure, and semantic interpretation. In Semantics: An interdisciplinary reader in philosophy, linguistics and psychology, eds. Danny D. Steinberg and Leon A. Jakobovits, 183–216. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Google Scholar Cinque, Guglielmo. 1993. A ...
Steve Jobs used to say that the details mattered. Emulating the aesthetic of physical objects on a two-dimensional screen was time consuming, but the effort required fit Jobs' design philosophy perfectly... Kenya's Mobius, Designed for Africa ...
Zoom is also marked by the death ofbackchanneling. We simply don’t do this over Zoom—the playback from a “room” of people saying “Uh-hum” and “Mhm-hm” is horrendous. We also can’t really use nodding to signal we are listening, because our face is probably just a 1”x 1...
Nahua,Nahuatl,Nahuatl-English Dictionary,nahuatlatolli,New Spain,Nueva España,palabras,philosophy,pictograma,pictograph,poem,poema,poetry,pre-Columbian,pre-Conquest,Pre-Hispanic,Precolumbian,preconquest,Prehispanic,reflexión,religion,Romances de los Señores de la Nueva España,song texts,speech,...
oxford-studies-in-ancient-philosophy.csl oxford-studies-on-the-roman-economy.csl oxford-the-university-of-new-south-wales.csl padagogische-hochschule-heidelberg.csl pain.csl palaeontologia-electronica.csl palaeontology.csl palaios.csl paleobiology.csl parasitology.csl past-and-present....
A search-centric philosophy of language and natural language understanding Exploring distributional semantics and word embeddings Modeling domain-specific knowledge Tackling challenges in natural language understanding and query interpretation Applying natural language learning techniques to both content and ...