五篇之中就有三四篇涉及“语言获得”与“语言习得” 两个术语, 其汉译差别见第一页顾曰国的按语:李行德认为, languageacquisition 应译为“语言获得” , 以区别于 language learning(译为“语言习得”)。顾曰国
Language learning is the teaching about a language (its use, its speaker, its structure), with the hope that the student will learn enough to actually be able to speak the target language. Language acquisition, in its current sense, tries to expose the student to the target language in ...
First Language Acquisition Vs Second Language Learning What… 热度: Analysis of Learning Strategies in Second language Acquisition 热度: Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning 热度: LANGUAGEACQUISITIONvs.LANGUAGELEARNING RicardoE.Schütz–MATESL ...
语言能力不是“学得”的,而是“习得”的! 二语习得理论的全称是第二语言习得理论,是由著名语言教育家,斯蒂芬•克拉申(Stephen Krashen)教授,于上世纪70年代提出的。 该理论主要包含以下5大方面: 1.语言习得(language acquisition)与语言学得(language learning)的区别 2.自然顺序假说 3.*语法规则监控假说 4.*...
Language acquisition: The Language Learning Journal: Vol 39, No 1doi:10.1080/09571736.2011.553472Nick DwyerUniversity of BrightonThe Language Learning Journal
This paper aims to analyse the differences between mother tongue acquisition and English learning from three aspects,namely the participants,the language materials and the amount of language input. It draws its conclusion that the teaching focus should differ according to different learning stages. Meanw...
Innovations in computer technology have made possible new platforms for supporting and building shared knowledge in meaningful and creative ways to enhance language learning and acquisition. Platforms like web forums, webinars, and bulletin boards in most Learner Management Systems (LMS) provide the addi...
From aneurolinguisticpoint of view, language acquisition and language learning are processed in two different ways in the brain. There are many areas of the brain involved in language acquisition and learning, and in the understanding and articulation of languages. ...
We all can talk about language acquisition and language learning until we drop dead, but none of us will ever produce a single fluent student in our foreign language classroom (again, if you have produced one please send me his/her name). The best we can do is try to replicate the seco...
Language acquisition critical period supposition mainly discusses the best age of language learning.It has been a hot issue for scholars from home and abroad.Regarding this problem,there are different points of view in the field of foreign language teaching and learning.Further study of language acqu...