The Lange Nacht der Museen Berlin is an absolute highlight of the year for those interested in culture and all those who want to experience the magic of museums at night. It goes without saying that the URBAN NATION will not only be taking part, but will also be offering a very special ...
节日上会有专门制作的原创剧作演出,只在哈瑙上演,千万不要错过哦 🎨魏玛博物馆长夜Lange Nacht der Museen 📅5月11日 有着深厚文化底蕴的魏玛将迎来一年一度的博物馆长夜活动,今年将延续以往的形式,博物馆、档案馆、美术馆、教堂和其他机构将开放至深夜,活动形式有音乐会、讲座、电影,部分博物馆还会通宵举行活动...