1 . 使用 langchain-cli 创建 LangChain 应用程序。2 . 在 agent.py 文件中开发自定义 LangChain 代理。3 . 实现我们的代理 server.py 以作为 LangServe API 运行。使用LangChain的命令行界面创建应用程序使用LangServe部署LangChain应用程序带来了无缝的集成之旅,弥合了复杂的AI功能和RESTful API暴露之间的差距...
from langserveimportadd_routes app=FastAPI(title="LangServer",version="0.1",description="A simple api server by langsercer",)add_routes(app,ChatOpenAI(),path="/openai")model=ChatOpenAI()prompt=ChatPromptTemplate.from_template("讲一个关于 {topic} 的笑话。")add_routes(app,prompt|model,path="...
If the module is installed but still not found, it might be because Python is not looking in the correct directory. You can add the directory containing the 'langchain.server' module to your Python path using the following code: importsysfrompathlibimportPath# add current dir as first entry...
image.png 修改server文件夹下的index.js文件,如下: importKoafrom"koa"importRouterfrom"koa-router"import{koaBody}from"koa-body";// const Koa = require("koa")// const Router = require("koa-router")// const koaBody = require("koa-body")constapp=newKoa()app.use(koaBody({multipart:true})...
For both client and server:pip install "langserve[all]"or pip install "langserve[client]" for client code, and pip install "langserve[server]" for server code.LangChain CLI 🛠️Use the LangChain CLI to bootstrap a LangServe project quickly....
We also released the langchain-sqlserver package, enabling the management of SQL Server as a Vectorstore in LangChain. In this step-by-step tutor... Azure SQLAIPython Sep 26, 2024 0 3 Build a chatbot on your own data in 1 hour with Azure SQL, Langchain and Chainlit Davide Mauri...
服务端运行信息: OpenAI API Server: Chatchat API Server: Chatchat WEBUI Server: ===Langchain-Chatchat Configuration=== You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser. URL: 02.访问页面 ...
而因为 SQLDatabaseChain 底层使用的是 SQLAlchemy 连接到 SQL 数据库,所以SQLDatabaseChain 可以和SQLAlchemy 支持的任何 SQL 数据库一起用,比如 SQL Server , My SQL,PostgreSQL,Oracle ,SQLite,Databricks 等等。 那我们一起来看看怎么操作,我这里选用的数据库是 Azure Database 。 如果你也是相同的数据库,那么...
我看你使用的是langchain-chatchat,这个项目可以启动API Server,只要将API Server接口与我的前台项目api接口json数据对应上,就可以将模型嵌入了。我就是发现好多模型的web ui是python写的,不好二次开发,我才重新写的 vue 界面 ^_^ YuiGod closed this as completed Apr 28, 2024 yunchang123 commented May 28...
server_url="***", model_uid="bge-base-zhv15" ) ###知识收集和预处理 urls = [ "https://spaces.ac.cn/archives/9907", "https://spaces.ac.cn/archives/9920" ] docs = [WebBaseLoader(url).load() for url in urls] docs_list = [item for sublist in docs for item in sublist]...