from import DuckDuckGoSearchRun from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI search = DuckDuckGoSearchRun() template = """turn the following user input into a search query for a...
在线查询直接bing search API的 Tool,配置完成后可直接输入 query 进行在线查询,完整代码见langchain-llama/models/custom_search.py其核心部分即请求体的构建: url = "" querystring = {"q": query, "mkt":"en-us","textDecorations":"false","setLang":...
{"query": "langchain"})) # 初始化搜索工具 from import TavilySearchResults search = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2) # 定义一个简单的工具函数 from langchain.agents import tool @tool def magic_function(input: int) -> int: """Applies a magic ...
tools to create a solution that improved the Bing search tool's performance in Langchain. This change led to a more seamless user experience, potentially attracting more users to the platform. I am proud to share that my solution generated substantial interest within the community, as evidenced ...
Please import from langchain-community instead: `from import DuckDuckGoSearchRun`. To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`. warnings.warn( message1: How to live stream NBA games tonight. Pelicans vs Thunder and Clippers vs Lakers will air...
LangChain 的工具模块允许开发者将 LLM 与外部资源结合,比如数据库、API 调用或自定义计算逻辑。这极大扩展了模型的实际应用能力。 例子:结合搜索引擎工具 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 fromlangchain.toolsimportToolfromlangchain.chainsimportLLMChain# 自定义工具search_tool=Tool(name=...
LangChain由 Harrison Chase 创建于2022年10月,它是围绕LLMs(大语言模型)建立的一个框架,LLMs使用机器学习算法和海量数据来分析和理解自然语言,GPT3.5、GPT4是LLMs最先进的代表,国内百度的文心一言、阿里的通义千问也属于LLMs。LangChain自身并不开发LLMs,它的核心理念是为各种LLMs实现通用的接口,把LLMs相关的组...
community instead:`from import DuckDuckGoSearchRun`.To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.warnings.warn(message1: How to live stream NBA games tonight. Pelicans vs Thunder and Clippers vs Lakers will air on ESPN. Viewers can also stream...
pip install --upgrade duckduckgo-search 1)引入Python代码解释器工具。 from import PythonREPLTool pythonREPLTool = PythonREPLTool() 2)引入维基百科查询工具。 from import WikipediaQueryRun from langchain_community.utilities import WikipediaAPIWrapper ...
fromlangchain_community.toolsimportWikipediaQueryRunfromlangchain_community.utilitiesimportWikipediaAPIWrapper# 初始化工具 可以根据需要进行配置# 使用包装器WikipediaAPIWrapper进行搜索并获取页面摘要。默认情况下,它将返回前 k 个结果的页面摘要。它通过 doc_content_chars_max 限制文档内容。api_wrapper=WikipediaAPIWr...