Lane splitting by motorcyclists is legal in California. Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist in a way that could cause harm to the rider is illegal. Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcyclist is illegal. Drivers in the far left lane should move to the left of their lane to...
California is a step closer to becoming the first state to legalize "lane splitting," when a motorcycle rider drives between other vehicles on congested streets and freeways. The State Assembly has passed a bill making the practice legal, CBS News' Ben Tracy reports. In most states, riders m...
I observed a need for “civilians” to help get the word out, in addition to the CHP PR efforts and PSAs. So I The mission of the site is twofold: first, to provide a self-explanatory ‘public service announcement’ that clarifies the legality of lane sp...
So, in addition to being dangerous, no, the practice of lane-splitting is not legal in Louisiana. 11 Things That Are Technically Legal In Louisiana First of all, this isn't actual legal advice. We will link to the information we've found on each of these scenarios. But know the person...
Lane splitting — where a motorcycle weaves between lanes of traffic to move past slower vehicles — is a controversial topic for motorcycle riders and lawmakers alike. While lane splitting is commonly practiced in many countries and is legal in California, it is not universally accepted across the...
Pointing out that lane-splitting is still legal in California, American Motorcycle Assn. western states representative Nick Haris said: "Motorcyclists are still using this long-recognized riding technique to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety. But now, neither riders nor motorists have a ...
6California passed a law (A.B. 51) in 2016 that allows the California Highway Patrol to establish guidelines for legal and responsible lane splitting. i“Motorcycle,” as used throughout this position statement, refers to a two-wheeled, single-track registered motor vehicle that requires a mot...
Motorcycle lane splitting is legal, but even some bikers get nervous about itGary Richards
Tough to clear one’s mind, as you asked, on preconceived notions on lane-splitting / filtering, so it’s fortuitous that my initial premise was/is your conclusion: “It depends.” Even if it were legal here in Maryland, I wouldn’t be likely to do it (so you & J would have to ...
Our colleagues over at RideApart have a handy explanation on where it is and isn’t legal, and which states are planning to introduce legalisation of lane splitting. It's currently only allowed in California, Montana, and Utah - with more states on the way. lane-splitting ...