To keep large outdoor planters from getting too heavy, pad the bottom of the planter with plastic or even the overturned plastic containers the seedlings came in. 03 of 20 Choose Plants That are Proportionate Keep future growth in mind, but when you're planting bushes in front of your...
Choose Big Blooming Bushes @kirsten.diane/ Instagram The whimsical design elements here pull together beautifully, with the soft textures ofthe blooming lilac bushand curving shapes of the umbrella the large glass jug forming a pleasing counterpoint to the angular striped patterns of the cushions and...
We planted somerose bushesand a few other plants along the border of the fence line, and they do a good job of keeping the front part of the border lush and full. Climbing roses on the actual chain link fence are even better at camouflaging the fence. For tall chain link fences, climb...
While berry bushes are more recognizable, blackberry and raspberry have great thorns for discouraging pests in your garden, or not if you’d prefer. I have a blackberry hedge growing beneath my deck, where my container garden grows in season, and it has many thorns. Climb that if you da...
Once you’ve opened up the plant to light and air, if there are still wispy branches that extend too far,trim those backwith your pruners. Thinning and shaping cuts taken each year will prevent overgrowth in the future. Evergreen bushes ...
1 of 2 lilacCommon lilac (Syringa vulgaris).(more) 2 of 2 hydrangeaHydrangea macrophylla.(more) Smaller woody plants, such as shrubs and bushes, have several stems arising from the base. These plants attain heights up to about 20 feet (6 metres). They often form the largest part of mode...