.11 Landscapevs.PortraitFormats: AssessingConsumerPreferences Dr.StanleyWearden,AssociateProfessor SchoolofJournalismandMassCommunication,KentStateUniversity Afternearlytwodecadesofdisappointmentswithelectronic publishingventures,mostmediaexecutivesnowseemcon- vincedthathumankindisfinallyonthevergeofembracinga new,radically...
The problem with portrait aspect ratios in landscape photography I’m aware that I’ve discussed a number of different aspect ratios in “landscape” format, and not in “portrait” format. But that is because I believe the options for the successful presentation of landscapes in “portrait” f...
You shouldalwaysshoot landscape images in raw. If you want to shoot raw + JPEG, that’s fine, but make sure you’re shooting raw images at the highest quality and largest size your camera allows. There’s a lot of debate about uncompressed versus compressed raw file quality. We don’t ...
You don’t have to followallof these tips, but memorizing a few will certainly take your urban landscape photography to the next level. And don’t forget to spend that extra time post-processing at the end; it may not seem like it now, but it can make a huge difference. So head out...
Instead, focus on using landscape compositional tools like the rule of thirds to create balance and flow. And as I emphasized at the beginning of this article, make sure to include a clear point of interest! 9. Use layers to help simplify the scene ...
If you get up close to a tall object, such as a mountain or a waterfall, then you tilt your camera upward, the edges of the object will appear to converge on a point high above, creating a highly dramatic effect. Such an image may not look strictly natural, but it’ll certainly look...
The image featured at the start of this section required a 3-stop neutral density filter to capture the water’s motion as it crashed on the rocks. But for the image below, I used a 10-stop ND filter, which let me lengthen the exposure to a whopping two minutes!
If plans go pear-shaped then you are likely to end up with the wrong type of sun. Timing in landscape is its most critical element and sometimes the difference between success and failure can be less than five-minutes – no time to muck about with a tripod, better to lose that than th...
The propensity of each codon in iORFs with respect to their alternative frames is defined as the log ratio of the codon frequency in the frame of the ORF versus its frequency in the ORF’s two alternative frames (± 30 nucleotides around the considered ORF). It is calculated as follows...
Even though the top two or three classes showing a predominant engagement in Ras binding are the same ones across all the 29 tissues we analyzed, the cellular outcome may still be different or even opposite (e.g. pro- versus anti-apoptotic responses), depending on the magnitude of activity ...