(cover story)Several tables related to the worldwide landscape architectural services industry are presented including the industry financial ratios in Australia from 2007 to 2011, the estimated size of firm industry of Canada from 2009 to 2011, and the estimated sub-industries of Chile in 2009....
Codes. A common and highly detailed business classification system can be found with the NAICS Code system. The NAICS Code system is used by the US Government for statistical classification, compilation, and analysis. To explore and search within the NAICS Code system, please use the link(s) ...
BARNES Reports: U.S. Landscape Architectural Services Industry (NAICS 54132). (cover story)Several charts are presented which depict the performance, and the forecasts for the landscape architectural industry in the U.S. including expectations for the trends in industry sales, employment, and ...
BARNES Reports: Worldwide Landscape Architectural Services Industry (NAICS 54132).Several tables related to the economic performance of landscape architectural services industry in the world from 2006-2010 are presented including the industry establishments, sales and employment trends in the U.S., size...
BARNES Reports: U.S. Landscape Architectural Services Industry (NAICS 54132).Several charts are presented depicting the market outlook for the landscape architectural services industry in 2010-2014 including the 5-year trend establishments and sales totals, the industry financial ratios, and the sales ...