解析 A。解析:句中有谓语is,B选项was painted不能选。picture和paint之间是被动关系,C选项painting表示主动关系,D选项to paint表示将要画,都不符合题意。A选项painted是过去分词做定语,表示被动和完成,修饰the picture,后面which引导的定语从句对the picture进行补充说明。
to show how people have influenced the land.(1)The main subjects of a landscape painting could be the following EXCEPT ___.A.a young coupleB.a childhood home areaC.a significant landmarkD.a beautiful vacation spot(2)Why is Thomas Gainsborough's picture mentioned in the second paragraph...
1 : a picture of natural scenery 2 : the land that can be seen in one glance landscape 2 of 3 verb landscaped; landscaping : to improve the natural beauties of a piece of land by grading, clearing, or gardening landscape 3 of 3 adjective : of, relating to, or being a rect...
Paint a Photoshopped Picture Reface a Painting Remove Things Replace Background Replica Paintings Restore or Colorize an Old Photo Copy Another Painting's Style OTHER black and white cat child dog family house real estate wedding More Tags/Subjects Order a Personalized Oil Painting of Your Favorite ...
The meaning of LANDSCAPE is a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery. How to use landscape in a sentence.
Why is Thomas Gainsborough's picture mentionedin the second paragraph?A. To show the couple are more importantthan the land.B. To show people are the main subjects ofmost paintings.C. To show Mr and Mrs Andrews really havea large country estate.D. To show the amount of space used for...
[C]风景画,风景照a picture of such a scene 英英释义 landscape n. an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery a genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery
风景园林艺术从画到园林——苏州I古典园林画面转换研究FromPi cture to G arden- TheStudyof Transform ati on betw een Tradi ti onalCl assi caI G ardenLandscape Pai nti ngand Suzhou乐志/YU EZhi程云杉/CH EN GYun—shah造有着窬切的联系。以现存的苏州园林和经典山水画为研究基础,首先剖析了传统山画...
The meaning of LANDSCAPE is a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery. How to use landscape in a sentence.
Daniel Chard’s landscape paintings continue the great European formalist traditions, while showing an original vision of the American landscape. Dramatic compositions and convincing illusions are enhanced by breath-taking detail that are made magical by