DIY Hardscape Ideas for a Unique, Attractive Outdoor Space If you’re looking to add a little style and functionality to your garden, hardscape ideas can help. Designing and building any outdoor living area can be a long and tedious process, especially when it involves refreshing the hardscap...
There's nothing remarkably different about their architecture or aesthetic -- except for the yards. One lawn is well-tended with neat beds of vibrant plants splashed among freshly mown Kentucky bluegrass. The other looks pitifully neglected with yellow, parched grass and scraggly shrubs that conceal...
This sometimes created rather awkward front yards. 3321 W. North Shore Avenue – with a garage in the place of the basement. This building faces a near-twin directly across the street. 6049 N. Richmond, West Ridge – Chicago. Opened 1964. 6100 N. Artesian at Glenlake – curiously, the ...
Much of what I learned during that time has been of use in my work that followed. Here are a few ideas that particularly struck a chord and have been of value to me professionally for the 25 years of work to follow. Every single one of these ideas can be translated into traditional ma...
Although the wording of the question states “home”, the broader context of this section of the survey contextualizes the home as not just the physical indoor spaces of a residence but also outdoor spaces including yards and patios. We also used PASS data to assess whether individuals ...