Landsat 4 and 5 SR products are created with the Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System (LEDAPS) algorithm (version 3.4.0). All Collection 2 ST products are created with a single-channel algorithm jointly created by the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and National Aeronauti...
Scene collection category, "T1" or "T2". DATA_SOURCE_AIR_TEMPERATURE String Air temperature data source. DATA_SOURCE_ELEVATION String Elevation data source. DATA_SOURCE_OZONE String Ozone data source. DATA_SOURCE_PRESSURE String Pressure data source. DATA_SOURCE_REANALYSIS String Reanalysis data sour...
The collection of data with calibrated radiometry, spectral differentiation, at spatial scales informative of human activity provided then, and continues to provide now, quantitative information to support science, resource management, and policy development (Wulder et al., 2019). The Landsat user ...
1.1 The Landsat Record The collection of Landsat images acquired through current and previous Landsat missions (Goward et al. 2006), referred to as the Landsat Record in this article, is a unique data source for reconstructing forest disturbance history for many areas of the globe. Dating back ...
The 50-year Landsat collection 2 archive 2023, Science of Remote Sensing Show abstract High-quality vegetation index product generation: A review of NDVI time series reconstruction techniques 2021, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Show abstract A practical approach to ...
Theinterval of time between data collectionat a particular location is called a satellite's temporal resolution or “revisit time”. The more frequent a satellite collects data over a given location, the higher its temporal resolution. Satellites with high temporal resolution can be used to detect...
As of version 1.3, the HLS data set covers 10.35 million km2 and spans from first Landsat 8 data (2013); Sentinel-2 data spans from October 2015.The L30 and S30 show a good consistency with coarse spatial resolution products, in particular MODIS Collection 6 MCD09CMG products (overa...
Collection Snippet ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/MANGROVE_FORESTS") Resolution 30 meters Bands Table Class Table: 1 使用说明: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. The data may be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime without permiss...
The highest quality Level-1 product had been labeled L1T, which is radiometrically calibrated and orthorectified using ground control points and digital elevation model data. Starting in 2016, USGS organized the Landsat data archive into a tiered data Collection structure to maintain consistent data ...
The near-contemporaneous collection of images during the Landsat 8 under-fly testing period, and our averaging of NDVI within boundary-masked areas of different vegetation classes, essentially eliminated the effects spatio-temporal misregistration on the regressions of Fig. 6. The high level of ...