var visParam = { min: -0.5, max: 0.5, palette: ['00FFFF', '0000FF'] };Map.addLayer(img, {bands:["B4", "B3", "B2"], max:0.3}, "raw_img");Map.addLayer(ndwi1, visParam, "ndwi_1"); Map.addLayer(ndwi2, visParam, "ndwi_2"); Map.addLayer(ndwi3, visP...
如下图所示;随后,按照自己的需求设置File List Name名称,然后将上述.txt文件导入,并点击右上角的“...
xLabels (List<Object>, optional): A list of labels used for bands on the x-axis. Must have the same number of elements as the image bands. If omitted, bands will be labeled with their names. If the labels are numeric (e.g. wavelengths), x-axis will be continuous. Returns: ui.Cha...
Landsat 8和9是美国航天局(NASA)和美国地质调查局(USGS)合作开发的遥感卫星,用于收集全球的地表观测数据。这些卫星携带了先进的遥感仪器,可以提供高质量的影像数据,用于环境监测、土地利用规划、自然灾害监测等应用。 Landsat 8和9卫星搭载了多光谱传感器,能够捕捉可见光、红外线和热红外线波段的数据。其中,OLI(Operatio...
VICAL allows the user to configure some VIs coefficient such as inARVI, ATSAVI, EVI, EVI2, OSAVI, SAVI, ATSAVI, andWDRVI, that is, all those VIs that need, in addition to the spectrum bands, some adjustment variable. The name of the bands with their abbreviations that were used in ...
image: image.clip(roi), description: indexs[i], fileNamePrefix: indexs[i], region: roi, scale: scale, crs: "EPSG:4326", maxPixels: 1e13 }); } }); } //影像导出 exportImageCollection(collection, roi, 30) //影像加载 Map.addLayer(collection, {min:0, max:3000, bands:["B4","B3...
在Band Math对话框的Enter an expression 中输入(b1 lt 0)*0+(b1 gt 10000)*0+(b1 ge 0 and b1 le 10000)*b1 点击Add to List 添加到Previous Band Math Expression 中,选中该公式,点击OK,在Variables to Bands Pairings对话框中选择红色波段,选择存储位置,点击OK。 用同样的方法对近红外波段去除异常值...
'bands': ['SR_B4', 'SR_B3', 'SR_B2'], 'min': 8000, 'max': 13000, } map.addLayer( l8.mosaic().clip(region), vis_params, 'True Color (432)', bounds=region.getBounds() ) map 04 影像边界计算与可视化 获得每一景L8影像边界,将单景影像边界Polygon通过FeatureCollection组合成新的矢量...
reader=Landsat8Reader() cali_image=reader.radiometric_calibration() file_path= r'D:\ProfessionalProfile\LandsatImage\1_RadiationCalibration0414\LC08.tif'reader.write(cali_image, file_path, reader.bands) 结果 二、大气校正 ...
3)在Band Math面板,在Enter an expression文本框中输入运算表达式,点击Add to List按钮,将表达式添加到Previous Band Math Expression列表中; 4)在Band Math面板中,选中添加的公式,点击OK按钮,打开Variables to Bands Pairings对话框,为运算表达式中各个变量赋图像波段; ...