My Chance: Livestock Grazing on Public Lands is a DisasterSullivanExecutiveCarlExecutiveRExecutiveingentaconnectJournal of Forestry
Livestock grazing is the most widespread land use of federally-managed public lands in the western states of the coterminous USA. More than 98 percent of the public lands used for livestock grazing are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) ...
lands in the Republic that potentially could be usedasgrazing landsforreindeer,7 while the category “reindeer herding [...] 7 虽然在官方的土地分类中不存在“驯鹿放牧用地”,但有“林业基金用地”和“指定农业用地”。
Both show that increasing the grazing fee a small amount would likely have very little affect on the status quo. Also, both results show the heterogeneity of ranchers across the west and their economic irrationality in the face of policies that increase ranching costs. Graduation date: 2000 展开...
Many livestock ranches in the western states of the United States of America depend on public lands for a viable economic enterprise. Dependency on public-land forage resources varies by region and season of use throughout the west. Public land grazing fees were originally set to equalize public...
"Houdek soil is of major economic importance to South Dakota because the productive Houdek soils are often used for cropland and rangeland. Small grains, corn, sunflowers, and soybeans are commonly grown crops. Alfalfa and grass-alfalfa mixtures provide hay and pasture for grazing livestock. Large...
Livestock Grazing on Federal Lands in the 11 Western StatesHeady, Harold FBox, Thadis WButcher, John EColbert, Francis TCook, C WayneEckert, Richard EGray, James RHedrick, D WHodgson, Harlow JKearl, W GordonCouncil for Agricultural Science and Technology. 1974. Livestock grazing on federal ...
The latter is defined as “former forest land severely damaged by the excessive harvesting of wood and/or non-wood forest products, poor management, repeated fire, grazing or other disturbances or land-uses that damage soil and vegetation to a degree that inhibits or severely delays the re‐est...
The land bureau has jurisdiction over almost a quarter-billion acres (100 million hectares) of land, primarily in western states, that is used for oil exploration, mining, livestock grazing, recreation and other purposes. Under Stone-Manning the bureau sharply reduced oil and gas leas...
Wool production data are also presented which show that high levels of pro- ductivity per hectare can be obtained from topdressed natural pastures. A number of different natural pasture types occur on the Tablelands. A schemeis presented showing the interrelationship$ between the original and the...