Remi, an ordinary high school student, has awakened Lore, a talking book who is a selfproclaimed “master” of magic. Together, they are drawn into the magical world of Ragnoah, which has been overtaken by mecha-monsters. Remi and Lore must venture toget
When a Thomgog "dies" the "soul" leaves the dead body, becomes a "seed" that takes root in fertile soil, and about a year later reincarnates into a new, young Thomgog. The full details of Thomgog reproduction is one the the Great Mysteries ofthe Lands, but it's enough to know th...
RemiLore is a “rogue-lite” anime-style adventure set in a colorful fantasy world where players hack-and-slash their way through an army of mechanical monsters using a huge variety of unique melee weapons and devastating magic attacks! Remi, an ordinary high school student, has awakened Lore,...
the foundations of combat are solid, with Remi issuing two types of melee attacks and producing combos by mixing the two. Learning these combos is easy thanks to context-based button prompts that appear on-screen.Lands of Loreboasts over 200 different weapons which come is seven basic ...
RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore is a “rogue-lite” anime-style adventure set in a colorful fantasy world where players hack-and-slash their way through an army of mechanical monsters using a huge variety of unique melee weapons and devastating
Throughout their journey, players hack and slash their enemies using a variety of fierce melee and magical ranged attacks. There are more than 200 different weapons that you can acquire by exploring the game world, and each one can alter the style, duration, range and damage potential of your...
The Underworld is a location in Lands of Lore III. This is the dimension of the insane, the damned & the dead. A haunted Victorian manor house resides at its center. The large wooden structure, a labyrinth of passages, alcoves and ballrooms, is occupied
RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore is a “rogue-lite” anime-style adventure set in a colorful fantasy world where players hack-and-slash their way through an army of mechanical monsters using a huge variety of unique melee weapons and devastating magic attacks!
The real diversity comes from the huge roster of weapons, upgradeable magical attacks, and randomized dungeons and enemies.You see, while story mode is the main attraction here—the developers recommend you play it first—it could be finished in a single afternoon. The real meat of RemiLore ...
“Our goal for the full version of Hostile Lands is to add many more enemy & boss types, alternate levels and 100+ new weapons. As time and resources allow, we plan to create multiple endings to the game's story and add several optional side levels that reveal the games lore along the...