Therian Strategies en pt es fr it Formats: OU Written byDKM Overview Landorus-T é um dos melhores Pokémon no metagame devido à sua movepool expansiva e bons stats ofensivos e defensivos, que o fazem-no incrivelmente versátil. Sua tipagem, acesso a U-turn e Stealth Rock e ability exce...
Landorus-Therian 土地雲-Therian MAX CP: 3922 Landorus-Therian(土地雲-Therian)的編號為#645,主要屬性為ground(地面),當前版本最佳攻擊組合配招為神通力(Extrasensory) + 地震(Earthquake),當前版本最佳防守組合配招為神通力(Extrasensory)+地震(Earthquake)廣大寶友各種玩法無奇不有,僅供參考。 ATTACK 289 DEFENSE ...
泽兰(landorus-therian) 资源编号 : 74890609 格式: gif 文件体积 : 230k 众创未来 GIF 230k 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的GIF动图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为gif 格式的泽兰(landorus-therian), 本站编号74890609, 该GIF动图库素材大小为230k, 更多精彩GIF动图库素材,尽在...
As for Landorus Therian Forme’s charged moves, there are several to pick from, and previously Superpower was a better choice, followed by Bulldoze and Earthquake. However, these are now all curbed by Sandsear Storm, Landorus Therian Forme’s signature move in the otherPokémongames, and it m...
Landorus-TherianType Ground Flying Abilities Intimidate Tier OU HP: 89 Attack: 145 Defense: 90 Sp. Atk: 105 Sp. Def: 80 Speed: 91 Formes Base Therian Strategies en pt es fr it de Formats: OU Written by Leo, Gary, power, and MANNAT Overview Landorus-T è incredibilmente ve...