Landmark Christian School in Richmond, VA, provides a quality Christian education for grades K-12. Call us at 804-644-5550 for more information.
CONTACT US 770-306-0647 Elementary & Middle School 50 SE Broad St. | Fairburn, GA 30213 770-306-0648 High School 109 Milo Fisher St. | Fairburn, GA 30213 Main Fax: 770-969-6551 Admissions Fax: 770-692-6794 Give Online Today
Campus Tour Day - March 4th - Landmark Christian School 3/4/2025 9:00 AM + 2 more events James and the Giant Peach - LCS Spring Musical 3/6/2025 7:00 PM + 8 more events Middle School Campus Tour Night - March 11th 3/11/2025 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM High School Campus Tour ...
Landmark Christian School 走读学校 男女混校 佐治亚 1:13 的师生比例 | 28%的教师高级学位学校简介 地标基督中学是一所基督教学校,致力于与有相同价值观的基督教家庭共同办学。学校相信圣经是一切教育的基础,从独特的圣经世界观的角度教育学生。学生学习圣经上神的话语,并能理解和捍卫自己的信仰。 学校概况 建校...
Tell me a bit about Landmark Christian School. Does Landmark Christian School have rigorous academic requirements? Where do Landmark Christian School students typically go for their colleges? What is the application requirement for Landmark Christian School?
Landmark Christian School地标基督中学成立于1989年,是一所独立的大学预科K3-12学校,位于美国亚特兰大都会区。学校开设7大学院,独特的学院制特色使得学生在中学阶段能够接触到各个领域的实用技能。 【学校亮点】 位于美国乔治亚州亚特兰大周边,距离国际机场不到20分钟车程,生活便利; ...
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church is dedicated to preaching the Lord Jesus Christ crucified, risen, and coming again. Every ministry and program reflects the uniqueness of Christian living through obedience to the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit. We are a caring group of people committed...
Jackson said the rooms that had been used for Sunday school classes would be "perfect for daycare." The mayor said the group - known as Greater Endicott Missions - for now is focusing on a daycare program for the church site. But she said members also have been discussing other possible ...
Islam is the state religion of Egypt. However, Egypt's population was mainly Christian until the seventh century before the county was islamised. The Egyptian muslims today are mainly Sunni muslims. Egyptian girls in traditional dress Today Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, while Coptic Chr...
Williams was joined by other religious refugees who created Pocasset, now Portsmouth, in 1638 and Newport in 1639. This religious pluralism spread beyond the Christian faiths. Touro Synagogue (established in 1763) is the oldest in theU.S. ...