The first thing we need to do is to bootstrap a new Laravel application. To do that, run the command below. Feel free to use any ofthe other methods of bootstrapping Laravel applicationsif you prefer them. The bootstrapped application will be created in a new directory namedlanding-page....
GitHub is where people build software. More than 50 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 100 million projects.
Laravel Sushi, the missing "array" driver for Eloquent, just launched a brand new landing page with a fresh design.
It's a cinch to add (optional) Social Login/Register support to Laravel Adminlte using acacha/laravel-social package. Execute in your project root folder:adminlte-laravel socialFollow the wizard to configure your social providers Oauth data and enjoy!More info at
Laravel Bundle Bootstrap Bundle Mobile Bundle Resources Blocks for TailwindCSS Book - Roots of UI/UX Design TW Components Custom Development Drag & Drop Builders Bits - code snippets Blog AI Tools GaliChat AI Assistant AI Code Mentor Magic AI Tailwind ...
Disney plus is a movie and series watching platform, just a Single Page UI designed using Vuejs and VuetifyJS. Designed byRebeca Belinusing Figma You can check his work on instagram @Rebeca Belin Figma UI link @link PSA for those who want to clone or fork this repo and use it. ...
Laravel 的学习路线图 学习Laravel的路线图是一个有序的学习路径,帮助开发者逐步学习Laravel的相关主题。根据提供的搜索结果,有几个资源可以帮助你学习Laravel。 首先,"Laravel Daily"网站也提供了Laravel学习路线图,包括创建个人博客和简单CRM项目的练习。 其次,GitHub上有一个名为"LaravelDaily/Laravel-Roadmap-Learning...
📊 krayin/laravel-crm 适用于中小企业和大型企业的免费开源 Laravel CRM 解决方案,全面管理客户生命周期。 👁️🗨️ roboflow/supervision 我们为你编写可重用的计算机视觉工具,低代码,适合开发者和研究者快速构建视觉应用。 🛠️ codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x 通过从头开始重建你喜欢的技术来掌握...
name: "King Triton" picture: "assets/img/picture.jpg" bio: "Programmer python and php/laravel" meta: lang: "en" description: "Programmer python and php/laravel" title: "King Triton" author: "King Triton" siteUrl: "" links: - name: "Git...
Laravel like routing and Annotation based routing (WIP) titledetails Database Support Rich database support for SQLite, [WIP: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL]. titledetails ORM We take relationships seriously ;-). © 2024 Daravel # Install Daravel dart pub global activate daravel_core # Create ...