Apart from this, we also put some animations on this landing page. To add animations, we used JavaScript libraries like gsap, lettering.js, jquery, textillate.js, and animation.css. This video will give you enough information about how to design a landing page with … javascript css html ...
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️. Contribute to cardeo/landing-page-2024 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Install via npm:npm i startbootstrap-landing-page Clone the repo:git clone https://github.com/StartBootstrap/startbootstrap-landing-page.git Fork, Clone, or Download on GitHub Usage Basic Usage After downloading, simply edit the HTML and CSS files included withdistdirectory. These are the onl...
Landing Page SASS Library Table of contents Directory Layout Installation Start Dev Server Build Prod Version Adding New JS Versioning Release Steps Storybook Features Directory Layout .├── dist # Compiled files │ ├── em-lp-styles.css # Minified CSS file │ └── ... # Individual...
:artist_palette: 在site-config.js自定义网站(无HTML / CSS) :check_mark_button: 部署到Netlify! 或者您可以将此gatsby new YourProjectName https://github.com/ImedAdel/automatic-gatsbyjs-app-landing-page npm run develop # or gatsby develop用作Gatsby Starter gatsby new YourProjectName https://git...
这次写一下GitHubpage 的简单使用。我用这里并没有想挂博客,主要是挂自己的一些小作品应用到简历中。第一步:首先先注册Github账号,创建自己的一个仓库第二步:进入Settings 看到Lauch automatic page generator没有,点击这个 然后你会看见,点击Continue to layouts&n github git 远程分支 转载 liutao988 7月前 ...
Intact Landing Pagemakes the user experience comfortablewith a clean and intuitive display. Backgrounds allow several formats, including videos and CSS3 animations! Get clients to click on your page with strategic, customized headers and footers. Intact is SEO and SPEED optimized. ...
/*https://gist.github.com/slavapas/593e8e50cf4cc16ac972afcbad4f70c8*/ var navMenuDiv = document.getElementById("nav-content"); var navMenu = document.getElementById("nav-toggle"); document.onclick = check; function check(e) { var target = (e && e.target) || (event && ...
Front-Landing-Taxi:该着陆页面显示Bootstrap技术和CSS动画页面。 只需在Github Pages上预览-https 开发技术 - 其它衣衫**袭风 上传935KB 文件格式 zip 前出租车 该着陆页面显示Bootstrap技术和CSS动画页面。 只需在Github Pages上预览一下即可!点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
("html").attr("data-placeholder-focus","false");$.getScript("//jamesallardice.github.io/Placeholders.js/assets/js/placeholders.jquery.min.js",function(){$(function(){var e=window.module.lp.form.data.validationRules;var t=window.module.lp.form.data.validationMessages;lp.jQuery.validator....