Miracle Landing on the Hudson: Directed by Simon George. With Kate Steavenson-Payne, Sara Stewart, Matthew Douglas, Todd Boyce. In 2009, just two minutes into US Airways flight 1549, a flock of birds struck the plane taking out both engines. With no powe
Miracle Landing on the Hudson (2014 TV Movie) 4/10 How much of this is true? 22 August 2021 I couldn't give a good review for this documentary, as I couldn't tell who was being honest. I don't think it's a very good documentary for historical preservation of this event.That may...
This error rate and eye diagram contrasts significantly from the onboard SSD running at 5G link rate. I did a scan by attaching AXI-Lite to the DRP interface on the running PCIe RC core in the FPGA. In the image below, all four lanes open up to the max height on the eye sampler. ...
The authors are the architects, urban planners, and/or strategists of the projects that have transformed these three cities, which are visited in the "Schools of Cities" and studied in the "Documentary-Courses" made by CityMakers. On this occasion, Alejandro Restrepo Montoya, Director of Urban...