position (in transit or unsafe) Extinguished – • landing gear is up and locked with landing gear lever UP or OFF • landing gear is down and locked with landing gear lever DN. 2 Landing Gear Indicator Lights (bottom) Illuminated (green) – related gear down and locked. ...
1LandingGearIndicatorLights(top) Illuminated(red)– •landinggearisnotdownandlocked(witheitherorbothforwardthrust leversretardedtoidle) •relatedlandinggearisindisagreementwithLANDINGGEARlever position(intransitorunsafe) Extinguished– •landinggearisupandlockedwithlandinggearleverUPorOFF ...
B 32 Landing Gear THE THREE LANDING GEAR POSITION INDICATING LIGHTS LOCATED ON PANEL 400VU ARE CONTROLLED BY: Either Landing Gear Control Interface Unit (LGCIU) in turn. Both LGCIUs simultaneously. LGCIU 1 only. C 32 Landing Gear THE ALTERNATE BRAKING SYSTEM IS SUPPLIED BY THE: Green system....
anticollision and antibird beacon. Landing light(s) may be fitted onto the leading edges of the wings, on the nose undercarriage, or on the undersurface of the wings. There may be more than one light fitted onto an aircraft. Most landing lights are retractable. Seeaircraft external lights....
pump to be activated to raise the landing gear when the gear selector is moved to the “Up” position. During preflight check, be sure the landing gear selector is in the “Down” position and that the three green indicator lights are illuminated. The gear should be retracted before VLO...
the momentum of the aircraft continues downward and the aircraft tends to pivot around the main gear, throwing the nose gear downward. If the pilot does nothing with the pitch controls, the nose will on its own slam onto the runway. As the relative wind moves from underneath the wing to ...
Once the hook is released from the roller on the strut, the gear is driven down and aft by springs, hydraulic actuators, aerodynamic forces, and gravity. A mechanical linkage released by each gear actuates the doors to the open position. The landing gear reach the full-down and extended ...
LANDING GEAR DOORS GROUND OPENING D/O (3) GENERAL Each main doors and nose doors have a ground door opening system that comprises these primary components:- a ground door opening control handle,- a mechanical transmission,- a by-pass valve,- a release mechanism in the door uplock.The ...
“Internal pressure okay, landing gear intact, main computer reset on standby mode. All systems green.” From THE TRANQUILLITY ALTERNATIVE by Allen Steele (1996) Our Moon being an airless planet, a torchship can land on it. But the Tom Paine, being a torchship, was really intended to ...