Differential erosion over a long subaerial history has resulted in a wide range of Australian structural landforms, commonly emphasized under the dry prevailing climate. They include Appalachian relief on ancient orogenic structures, more compact or even circular landforms associated with astroblemes and ...
The Chihuahuan Desert is considered to be one of the three most biologically rich and diverse desert ecoregions in the world, rivaled only by the Great Sandy Tanmi Desert of Australia and the Namib-Karoo of southern Africa. However, settlements and grazing have heavily degraded the natural vegeta...
Summary Differential erosion over a long subaerial history has resulted in a wide range of Australian structural landforms, commonly emphasized under the dry prevailing climate. They include Appalachian relief on ancient orogenic structures, more compact or even circular landforms associated with astroble...
Aeolian landforms in central Australia. Aust. Geogr. Stud. 6, 139-150.Mabbutt, J. A. 1968. `Aeolian landforms in central Australia', Aust. Geogr. Stud., 6, 139-150.Mabbutt, J.A., 1968. Aeolian landforms in central Australia. Australian Geographical Studies 6, 139-150....
The distribution and paleoclimate implications of periglacial landforms in eastern AustraliaSlee, AdrianQuaternary Australasia
Slee, A., Schulmeister, J., 2015. The distribution and climatic implications of periglacial landforms in eastern Australia. J. Quat. Sci. 30, 848-858.Slee, A., and Shulmeister, J.: The distribution and climatic implications of periglacial landforms 473 in eastern Australia, J Quaternary Sci...
Landsat TM and ETM+ images are analysed to describe the vast array of quaternary landforms and sediments that occur in the Great Lakes district of the central coast of New South Wales (NSW), Eastern Australia, about 230 km north of Sydney. The study area falls between the lower Hu...
M. 1995. Pre-Quaternary landforms in the low latitude context: the example of Australia. Geomorphology 12, 17-35.TWIDALE, C. R. and CAMPBELL, E. M. (1995). Pre-Quaternary landforms in the low latitude context: the example of Australia. Geomorphology, 12: 17-35....
Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Quaternary landforms in the Murray Basin, southeastern AustraliaSmith, B L
(1976). Aridity in Australia: age, origins and expression in Aeolian landforms and sediments. Earth-Sci. Rev. 12, 279-310.Bowler, J. M.: Aridity in Australia - age, origins, and expression in aeolian landforms and sediments, Earth-Sci. Rev., 12, 279-310, https://doi.org/10.1016/...