M.V. Jarić, 1980, Landau Theory, Symmetry Breaking and the Chain Criterion, in: Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 135, ed. by K.B. Wolf, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.Jaric, M.V.: Landau theory, symmetry breaking and the chain criterium. Lecture Notes ...
We show that those phase transitions are beyond the paradigm of Landausymmetry-breaking theory. The first phase transition, although a $Z_2$ symmetrybreaking transition, contains critical exponents that are different from thoseobtained from the Ginzburg-Landau theory of Ising universality class. The...
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Landau Phase Transition in Horava GravityHigh Energy Physics - TheoryGeneral Relativity and Quantum CosmologyPresence of higher derivative terms in the Horava model of gravity can generate an instability in the Minkowski ground state. This in turn leads to a space ...
This phase transition is characterized by the appearance of a spontaneous polarization, which is the result of a symmetry-breaking process. Landau-Devonshire theory has been successful in describing a wide range of phenomena in ferroelectric materials, including phase transitions, domain wall formation,...
Are the discussion of translational symmetry here similar to (or part of) the discussion of symmetry breaking and effective field theory (I am not familiar with these concepts either) in Qi's paper? If yes, why? (Since the paper says the theory is a universal description of quantum states...
Landau, Lifshitz, and weak Lifshitz conditions in the Landau theory of phase transitions in solids Landau theory provides a group-theoretical method for determining which symmetry changes can occur in second-order phase transitions in solids. The irreduc... HT Stokes,DM Hatch,HM Nelson - 《Physic...
The Landau–Ginzburg–Higgs (LGH) model combines concepts from particle physics and condensed matter physics to describe phase transitions and symmetry-breaking processes. It integrates the particle physics concepts of the Higgs mechanism, the Landau theory of phase transitions, and the Ginzburg-Landau ...
F. Strocchi, An introduction to non-perturbative foundations of quantum field theory, International Series of Monographs on Physics 158, Oxford University Press (2013) [INSPIRE] [DOI]. F. Strocchi, Symmetry breaking, Lecture Notes in Physics 643, Springer (2005) [DOI]. J. Ben Geloun, A....
American Institute of PhysicsFrontiers in condensed matter theoryP.W. Anderson and Y. Ren, The normal state of high T c superconductors: a new quantum ... PW Anderson,Y Ren - Frontiers in Condensed Matter Theory 被引量: 3发表: 1990年 Fast, scalable, and interactive software for Landau-de...
Introduction Phase transitions Spontaneous symmetry breaking, the mesoscopic description, universality Classification of phase transitions; order parameters Fluctuation theory Dynamics of critical fluctuations Landau levels Landau levels and the diamagnetism of metals ...