zero( )level 零电平,零级 high level a. 高级的 level(l)ing 水平调节,矫平,矫直 level up 拉平 micro level 微级 最新单词 contingent liability from endorsement的中文意思 背书或有负债 contingent issue of securities的中文意思 特定发行 contingent interest是什么意思及反义词 不确定利息 contin...
欧路词典 landau level 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 英语百科 中文百科 英语维基词典 英语例句库 用户正在搜索 Judy Garland,jug,juga,jugal,jugale,Jugatae,jugate,juge,jug-eared,Jugendstil, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 历史记录 生词本...
landau level 朗道能级 content 1.朗道能级简介 2.朗道能级形成的原因 3.朗道能级相关的物理现象4.出现朗道能级的相关实验5.朗道能级的应用 朗道能级简介 朗道能级是磁场中电子作回旋运动的量子化能级。考虑电子在均匀磁场B中运动。电子沿磁场方向的运动不受影响,但在垂直于磁场的平面内作...
本文利用给出的weyl半金属的哈密顿量求解了其在z方向均匀磁场中的本征态和本征值问题,即Landau Level,求解时,没有采用照搬经典Landau Level的求解办法(利用产生湮灭算符等方法,如参考文献[1]),而是利用其哈密顿量的特殊性,以及证明的算符和其平方的本征值和本征态的关系,直接转化为经典Landau Level问题,并进行了...
Evolution of the relative excitation of the Landau-level states as the beam moves from left to right (Fig. 4d). Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) ...
The lowest Landau level It is from here that we begin our quantum journey. 1 Quantisation and Landau Levels Landau levels are the result of quantum mechanics of free particles (electrons) moving in a background magnetic field. We will neglect the spin of the electron throughout the discussion...
Bulk crystals. TheLandau levelsin the valence band in crystals with diamond or zincblende structure, such as Si or GaAs, have complicated dispersions because of the degeneracy of the bands at the Γ point. For small Landau level quantum numbersN, the spacing of the adjacent Landau levels is ...
This is a very nice and transparent result, as it shows that upon switching on the Coulomb interaction, from Z = 0 to Z > 0, we observe instead of infinitely discretely degenerate Landau levels, clusters of levels, each of which has an accumulation point precisely at the Landau level. The...
Landau level eigenstatesLevels, Landau
必应词典为您提供Landau-level-index的释义,网络释义: 朗道能级指标;兰道能级指标;