F=\frac{\alpha}{2}(T-T_c)\phi^2+\frac{u}{4!}\phi^4 (Landau-Ginzburg theory),有了自由能,问题就几乎解决了,我们可以解出各种物理量在相变点附近的行为: 序参量: 无序相 T>T_c : \phi=0 有序相 T<T_c : \phi\propto (T-T_c)^{\beta} , \beta=\frac{1}{2} 热容: C_v...
瞬态Landau–Ginzburg 模型 求解分解为实部 和虚部 的Landau–Ginzburg方程: 该方程被用于超导理论。 设置方程。 Copy to clipboard. In[1]:= 设置初始条件。 Copy to clipboard. In[2]:= 指定边界条件。 Copy to clipboard. In[3]:= 在具有指定间距的网格上求解方程。
Single-mode operation of a free-electron laser is modeled by the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The linear stability of a single-mode solution is analyzed, and connections are established with known instabilities of the Ginzburg-Landau equation. It is found that there is no Benjamin-Feir instability ...
M. Fabrizio, A Ginzburg-Landau model for the phase transition in Helium II, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 61, (2010) 329-340.M. Fabrizio, A Ginzburg-Landau model for the phase transition in Helium II, Z.Angew.Math.Phys. 61 (2010) 329-340....
Simpler:经典相变理论的梳理(1)(Landau-Ginzburg theory )229 赞同 · 6 评论文章 微扰论技术的框架: 实际上我们有不少微扰展开的方法,比如高低温展开,不过这里我们的目的还是为了“直面”这个泛函积分,不会做的原因就是因为有场的4次方项,因此我们把u4!ϕ4当成微扰,把配分函数展开成u的级数,即: ...
Landau-Ginzburg Modelsdoi:10.1007/1-4020-4522-0_295The action for a super Landau Ginzburg model of n chiral superfields Φ i ( i = 1,..., n) with superpotential W(Φ) is given byDuplij, StevenDuplij, Steven
LandauGinzburg SeeDoxygen HTML. Numerical study of the N=2 Landau--Ginzburg models author Okuto Morikawa date Created on May 8 2018 User's guide Code set for the generation of the configuration ofN(p), and the computation ofA(p)and sign determinant ...
词:导数Ginzburg—Landau方程;整体解 。 中图分类号:0175.29 文献标识码:A I 引言 广义复Ginzburg—Landau方程(CGL)在一维空间的形式是: Ul=OtOU+ Ot1U: rx+ 口2IUI。OtU+Ot3IUI。% + 口. U+口sIUIU, 其中6r>0, =af+ibi,Ot0=a0,而口f'bi是实系数。对于 一2的情形,Duan,Holmes和Titi[1]获得这...
It is argued that the presence of a nonanalytic term in the effective potential of the Ginzburg-Landau model is immaterial as far as the order of the superconductor-normal phase transition is concerned. To achieve agreement with the renormalization group, the effective potential has to be extended...