... Landau free energy function 朗道自由能函数 Landau gauge 朗道规范 Landau growth 朗道增长 ... www.cps-net.org.cn|基于25个网页 2. 兰道规范 晶体学翻译L-2|晶体学英语词汇翻译... ... 兰道涨落;兰道起伏 Landau fluctuation 兰道规范 Landau gauge 兰道鬼态 Landau ghos…www.scientrans.com|基于3...
Landau gauge: Eigenfunctions: Degeneracy Degeneracy: Flux quantum: 3 Symmetric Gauge Degeneracy Ladder operator: The lowest Landau level It is from here that we begin our quantum journey. 1 Quantisation and Landau Levels Landau levels are the result of quantum mechanics of free particles (electrons)...
蓝道探员在看起来像史高丽的女人走开的时候走近她。 21 、landaugauge───朗道规范 22 、collisional Landau damping───碰撞朗道阻尼 23 、landaupomeranchuk effect───朗道 波梅兰丘克效应 24 、The first, theoretical, part includes such topics as: the Landau theory of phase transitions;───第1,理...
Within this context a modified version of Landau gauge fixing on the lattice is introduced.doi:10.1016/S0920-5632(96)00791-8F. Di RenzoNuclear Physics B - Proceedings SupplementsF. Di Renzo. Landau-gauge-fixed numerical-stochastic perturbation theory. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl., 53:819-822, ...
Landau gauge and finitenessLandau gauge and finitenessTheoretical or Mathematical/ differential equationsgauge field theoryperturbation theory/ Landau gaugefinitenessfunctional differential equationperturbation theorynonrenormalizationghost fieldcomposite fieldthree...
Three-gluon vertex in Landau-gauge from quenched-lattice QCD in general kinematics 一般运动学中淬火晶格QCD的Landau规范中的三胶子顶点 We report on a novel and extensive lattice QCD analysis for the three-gluon vertex from quenched lattice-QCD simulations. Using standard Wilson action, we have ...
Using a spin-charge separation of the gluon field in the Landau gauge we show that the SU(2) Yang–Mills theory in the low-temperature phase can be considered as a nematic liquid crystal. The ground state of the nematic crystal is characterized by the A2 condensate of the gluon field. Th...
摘要: Symmetries entirely specific to the Landau gauge are investigated. The conformal properties of the ghost fields are analyzed in detail. The Sp(2)-covariant BRST quantization of theories of rank one is considered in the framework of the Hamiltonian approach....
(1987b). The gluon is massive: A lattice calculation of the gluon propagator in the Landau gauge, Phys. Lett. B 201 127.Mandula J, Ogilvie O (1987) The gluon is massive: A lattice calculation of the gluon propagator in the Landau gauge. Phys Lett B 185: 127....
The Landau gauge quark propagator in momentum space is investigated using the O(a)-improved Sheikholeslami--Wohlert (SW) quark action with a tree-level mean-field improved coefficient c_sw. We have studied the unimproved definition of the quark propagato