(redirected fromLandau in der Pfalz) Thesaurus Encyclopedia lan·dau (lăn′dô′, -dou′) n. 1.A four-wheeled carriage with front and back passenger seats that face each other and a roof in two sections that can be lowered or detached. ...
Limburgan: Landau in der Pfalz Lithuanian: Landau Low German: Landau in der Pfalz Luxembourgish: Landau Malagasy: Landau in der Pfalz Malay: Landau in der Pfalz Minangkabau: Landau in der Pfalz Narom: Landau in der Pfalz Neapolitan: Landau in der Pfalz Northern Frisian: Landau in der Pfalz...
76831Ilbesheim bei Landau in der PfalzRheinland-PfalzRPLandkreis Südliche Weinstraße8.05549.1825Google地图 76829Landau in der PfalzRheinland-PfalzRPKreisfreie Stadt Landau in der Pfalz8.116949.1984Google地图 德国邮编目录 Baden-Württemberg
Mert Cebrail,20岁高中学生来自Ludwigshafen am Rhein,Rheinland-Pfalz,德国寻找一份互惠生 & 家庭教师在USA的工作 ❱ 十一月 2024 - 二月 2025 (12-24 月) 德语母语英语进阶(B2) Dear Au Pair Family, My name is Mert Cebrail I am 20 years old and am currently a student on a vocational college....
Landambulatorium,Landanschluss,Landarbeit,Landarbeiter,Landarzt,Landau,Landau a.d. Isar,Landau in der Pfalz,Landauer,landauf, 德汉-汉德词典 朗道。姓氏。朗道车。 近义词 近义词: Stadt 联想词 Frankenthal弗兰 ;Speyer斯派;Germersheim格 斯 姆;Pfalz普法茨;Pirmasens皮 ...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Landau levels [′lan‚dau̇ ‚lev·əlz] (solid-state physics) Energy levels of conduction electrons which occur in a metal subjected to a magnetic field at very low temperatures and which are quantized because of the ...
What will the weather in Landau in der Pfalz be like during my visit? The warmest months in Landau in der Pfalz are usually July and August with an average temp of 66°F. January and February are the chilliest months when the average temp is 39°F. The rainiest months are December and...
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he worked out the theory of the domain structure of ferromagnets and the theory of ferromagnetic resonance. Landau’s work on the kinetic equation for an electron plasma was published in 1936. In 1937 he constructed a general theory of second-order phase transitions. That same year he published...
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