In some parts of the peninsula, these species form a high and very close scrub associated with Quercus ilex L., whereas in other more exposed areas they create lower and sparse vegetation formations dominated by numerous shrubs such as Cistus monspeliensis L, C. salvifolius L., Myrtus commun...
Culture–land relationships can be characterized in terms of stable (1), emerging (2) or weakened (3, 4) relationships.a, In stable or resilient relationships, cultural systems including rules-in-use are in a mutually reinforcing relationship with cognitions, land-use behaviour and land-system o...
Environmental changes introduced by different land-use types resulted in assemblages differentiated in species and trait composition, taxonomically and functionally impoverished with respect to seminatural grasslands. All land-use types drove species replacement and trait loss and replacement of grassland ...
This has been needed mainly in the northern part of the country where the loss of habitat for many organisms is exacerbated by poor land use planning and inadequate management capacity to control and address threats. For example, land conversion through overgrazing and overcutting of savannah for ...
must have also sought and obtained permission or a hunting license from the administration (Law of 1994, art. 88–89). This means that in no case can game meant for subsistence be sold. Similarly, the law prohibits the traditional hunter from transporting game, even with the intention of co... GheysenView further author information ClausView further author information LeinfelderView further author information
dense peppering of longbarrows, tumuli, dykes and hillforts in what are now the arable lands of southern England has all but disappeared since the war. In response to landowners’ lobbying, the government continues to grant special permission – the Class Consents – to plough out even ...
Indeed, the success in the cases of Hong Kong, Tokyo, and London relied on their regulatory regimes to set clear rules on how to implement the PPP, use LVC, and acquire permission from the public sector and citizens (Suzuki et al., 2015; Pan and Wang, 2019). While unsupportive regimes...
in the literature, we present a generalized social-ecological approach to support equitable land use decision-making (in terms of process and outcomes) and an example of its application to a case study in southwestern Ethiopia. We propose a six-step approach that combines scenario planning with ...
that have been catalysing the process of land transaction in favour of large-scale commercial farming. At the beginning of its coming to power, the EPRDF-led government promised to overhaul the land policy of the country with the objective to ensure fair access to land for the citizens. In ...