In land use planning, the term setback is used to delineate the distance that a building or a structure is away from a street or other feature such as a river or shoreline. From: Hazard Mitigation in Emergency Management, 2016 About this pageSet alert ...
Learn what land use is. Discover examples of the different types of land use, and examine the importance of understanding land use for zoning and planning.Updated: 11/21/2023 What Is Land Use? Theland usedefinition is the function or functions for which humans use an area of land...
Blair, M.L., and Spangle, W.E., 1979, Seismic safety and land-use planning selected examples from California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 941-B, 82 p.Blair, M. L., and Spangle, W. E., 1979, Seismic Safety and Land-Use Planning--Selected Examples From California. U....
摘要: This book contains chapters on coastal lands, town planning, land consolidation, land reclamation and landscape planning. An article on quarry restoration and one on surface-mined land are noticed separately.关键词:land use planning urban areas urban planning ...
Master Land Use Planmeans theapproved site planforthe Community, which is Exhibit "B". Sample 1 Examples ofMaster Land Use Planin a sentence Final subdivision plans and site plans will be processed as they would be under conventional zoning, except the review by the Planning Department for com...
Alongside these practical examples from the Netherlands, readers will find discussion of more theoretical aspects of land-use models as well as an assessment of various studies that aim to develop the Land-Use Scanner model further.Spanning the divide between the abstractions of land-use modelling ...
6.2Land-use planning As many of the threats to the reef are caused by activities on land, land-use planning is a focal point of the ICZM program. Existing planning powers are being used wherebydevelopment plans are being prepared for many coastal areas. Two pieces of legislation allow for la...
2. Innovation in land use planning 3. The need for an innovative approach to risk-based planning in New Zealand 4. A risk-based approach to land use planning for natural hazards 5. Innovation in the RBPA 6. Practical application of the RBPA 7. Conclusions Acknowledgements ReferencesShow full...
The paper focuses first on what land-use planning is and what the different steps are or can be in the process of planning the future uses of land. Secondly, it demonstrates the approach through so-called spatial concepts. Three examples are explored: the segregation vs. the integration ...
We have developed an approach to land-use planning that involves air-photo interpretation, engineering geological mapping at suitable scales, limited subsurface investigation with material characterisation, and data presentation in an appropriate format. The technique has been particularly applied to the res...