This paper examines the impact of residential density and mixed land use on crime using a high-resolution dataset from Chicago over the period 2008-2013. I employ a novel instrumental variable strategy based on the city's 1923 zoning code. I find that commercial uses lead to more street crime...
Across all five taxonomic groups, non-native species numbers in assemblages containing at least one non-native were lowest in ‘Primary vegetation under Minimal use’ (Fig.3aand Supplementary Table12), with an estimated average of 1.1 non-native species. When using LU-type as the only predictor...
Land use change, by disrupting the co-evolved interactions between plants and their pollinators, could be causing plant reproduction to be limited by pollen supply. Using a phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis on over 2200 experimental studies and m
It is specially useful for entrepreneurs or small businesses that use personal phones but want a distinct business identity. Virtual numbers often require less personal information during registration as compared to normal traditional SIM cards which minimizes the data trail linked to your personal / ...
(2020) predicted coastal areas and open mires in Trondheim to harbour relatively high numbers of threatened species, and mires and bogs have been a habitat strongly affected by land-use changes since the 1950s (IPBES2018). In combination, this warrants particular focus on the protection of ...
The acc_changes() function returns for a LUC time series the number of times a pixel has changed during the analysed period, returning a grid layer and a table with the percentages of transition numbers in the study area. Here we use the tmap package for plotting the outcomes of the acc...
Due to general security reasons it is highly recommended to prefer and usesnprintf(with the max buffer size ascountparameter) instead ofsprintf.sprintfhas no buffer limitation, so when needed - use it really with care! Streamlike Usage
Across the globe, tree species are under high anthropogenic pressure. Risks of extinction are notably more severe for species with restricted ranges and distinct evolutionary histories. Here, we use a global dataset covering 41,835 species (65.1% of know
Numbers are the emissions related to crops fed to livestock (negative values for crops and positive values for livestock) in units of Mt CO2-eq. Extended Data Fig. 3 Uncertainties in global and regional land-use GHG emissions over the period 1961–2017 related to emission metrics. a–i, ...
land use scenario, we re-run the analysis using alternative land use projections that have similar extension of cropland abandonment. These projections are consistent with the SSP-RCP framework and are produced by downscaling the outputs from the Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) GCAM45. Among the...