By enabling non-remote sensing experts to assess more than 100 sites per day, we believe that Collect Earth can be used to rapidly and sustainably build capacity for land monitoring and to substantively improve our collective understanding of the world's land use and land cover. 展开 ...
GCAM links land use and land cover change, socioeconomics, the water sector, energy system, and climate in a market-equilibrium system that allows for prices to be adjusted within each time step (generally 5 years) to ensure that the supply and demand of goods and services remains balanced. ...
land-use-driven ecosystem loss and degradation. Implementing proposed protected area expansion frameworks for prioritizing conservation efforts of tree species’ high diversity areas would substantially improve the protection level of not only tree phylogenetic endemism hotspots, but the ecosystem on a whole...
Here, we integrate climate change anomaly with a land-use change model both projected for 2050 to identify refugia areas for 103 bird species that occur in the Brazilian Cerrado. We found that 13% of the Cerrado may serve as refugia for the bird species. In contrast, nearly 35% of the ...
It is an open-source code and employs fewer parameters than other hydrological models, making their use more friendly (see Section 2.2 for more MGB-IPH details). Additionally, it can properly represent streamflow propagation under delay conditions and wave flooding attenuation in low-slope areas (...
Land-use and land-cover change strongly affect biodiversity patterns and are assumed to be growing threats in the future. Particularly increasing urbanisat
decision tree javascript code land use 如何在JavaScript中实现决策树:土地利用示例 一、概述 决策树是一种监督学习算法,用于分类和回归任务。在土地利用的案例中,可以基于土地的特征来预测其类型(例如,城市、农业或森林等)。在这篇文章中,我们将指导你如何使用JavaScript实现一个简单的决策树模型。
The Brazilian forest code established minimum distance buffers alongside river called permanent preservation areas. This work focuses on the distribution of land use types in different distances along superficial streams in watersheds of different sizes. SPOT-5 images were used to classify land use in...
While the regional distribution of non-native species is increasingly well documented for some taxa, global analyses of non-native species in local assemblages are still missing. Here, we use a worldwide collection of assemblages from five taxa - ants, b
Here we examine how high-elevation, mixed-conifer/subalpine forests (>2700 m), within the Great Basin–Colorado Plateau Region of the western United States, were shaped by changing human land use over the past 1200 years. The legacy of Indigenous fire use has gained increased attention in ...