Now, a few notes about the above refurbishments. Disneyland is notorious for changing its refurbishment schedules, adding or canceling planned downtimes weeks or days in advance. While this practice is still relatively uncommon in the grand scheme of things, it’s worth pointing out because it d...
Victoria Stanley, Tony Lamb, and Samantha De Martino Key Messages Land rights for women are important to women’s overall role in the household economy. In most Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries, women have equal rights to land by law, ...
The most important point about this book was that it was very old and came from a generation of teachers who believed that this area of mathematics was best taught by lots of rote practice; while I found this method extremely boring, the amount of practice did work in my case. Additionally...
There are five factors of the RUSLE model, namely rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), topography (LS), cover and management (C), and support practice (P) used to estimate the long-term average erosion rate, annually [31]. Many researchers [2,23,30] used the combination of ...
Other qualitative case studies on gentrification have covered the major Northwest cities of Portland [55], Vancouver, BC [48], and Victoria, BC [49]. However, few have utilized multivariate quantitative methods [70,71] and, according to Lees, Slater, and Wyly [72], gentrification researchers ...
The LAS in Islamabad is an exception where an allotment system was introduced as an instrument of land titles instead of the conventional deed registration system; however, the LASs remain manual. Innovation is required for the adoption of technology and streamlining the processes and governance of ...