Queensland State Archives Brief Guide 5 Land Tenure RecordsOffice, SurveyCommissioner, ChiefLands, Crown
R. R. Torrens,The South Australian System of Conveyancing by Registration of Title, with Instructions for the Guidance of Parties dealing, illustrated by Copies of the Books and Forms in use in the Lands Titles Office(1859), 4. Quoted in Bhandar, “Title by Registration,” 254. 29 Torrens,...
land subdivision and land tenure solution - Brisbane, Sydney, Gold Coast Sunshine Coast - Queensland, We deliver accurate measurements, meticulous data, and reliable results.
and adopted others not so owned—One Nation became a Frankenstein's monster. Thus, the explosion in the party's influence after the June 1998 Queensland elec- tion began to cause shifts and realignments even within the major parties, and a distinct slowing down of the rate of ...
[2127] QLd land tax - 2004 assessments.(queensland office of state revenue)(Brief Article)Backeberg, AnneMarie
Danaher, K.F. (1995) Marine Vegetation of Cape York Peninsula (Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy, Office of the Coordinator General of Queensland, Brisbane, Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra, and Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane)....
Eight years later Queensland received self-government, which was administered from Brisbane, originally the centre of a penal settlement. No further changes were made to New South Wales until 1911, when a portion of territory 185 miles (300 km) southwest of Sydney was acquired by the federal ...
Mapping woody vegetation clearing in Queensland, Australia from Landsat imagery using the Google Earth Engine. Remote Sens. Appl. Soc. Environ. 2015, 1, 36–49. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] De Oliveira Andrade, R. Alarming surge in Amazon fires prompts global outcry. Nature 2019. Available ...
• In cases where infrastructure objects cross 2D parcel boundaries (such as long tunnels, pipelines, and cables networks), should these be divided based on the surface parcels (as in Queensland, Australia), or treated as one cadastral object (as in Sweden and the Netherlands)? • How do...