The article discusses the non-discretionary trust and tax-free land tax threshold policy in New South Wales (NSW). An overview on the provisions for NSW land tax legislation as enacted in the Land Tax Management Act 1956 (LTMA), is presented. Also cited are the sections of LTMA along wi...
The State Taxation Acts Amendment Bill 2019 (Vic), introduced to Parliament on 27 May 2019, contains numerous important changes to Victoria's stamp duty and land tax laws. In an effort to fill the large gap left by dwindling stamp duty receipts in a falling property market, theState Ta...
When 𝜃θ is greater than the threshold, the mutation point 𝑂O will be added into cluster C. If this exceeded the threshold, we allowed the mutation point 𝑂O to be added to temporal cluster 𝐶C. By choosing an appropriate value for 𝜃θ, the PBM index is employed to achieve ...
Even though implemented in the weather and crop models, CO2 concentrations were not included in the integrated models, given that CO2 levels during the development of the IC were much lower than the threshold of effect defined by the model (i.e., 350 ppm). The crop model does not factor ...
the land surface was classified into five types based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) threshold values: water, snow/ice, bare soils, vegetated areas, and transition zones. The BBE of water and snow/ice was assigned as 0.985 by combining the BBE calculated from the emissivit...