National classification is based on the following typologies of water courses as “ALVEO ANTICO”, “CANALE”, “FIUMARA”, “FIUMARELLA”, “FIUME”, “FOSSO”, “PANTANO”, “RIO”, “TORRENTE”, “VALLE”, “VALLONE,” each one defined by an “order” going between 1 and 9, stating...
urban wildlife (e.g., nature reserves, public parks, and golf courses) (Magle et al.2014; Table1). However, 17 camera traps were stolen, reducing our total number of sites. Six of these stolen camera traps were replaced, resulting in a final count of 37 effective sites. Sites were spa...
In regions lacking systematic baseline data coverage, strategic campaigns for systematic airborne geoscientific surveying facilitated through coordinated industry consortiums promise immense high-quality data gains over poorly understood copper prospective terrains through cost sharing while upholding responsible and...
FIG (International Federation of Surveyors) Commission 7, ISK (Institution of Surveyors of Kenya), UN-HABITAT & CASLE (Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy), Nairobi, Kenya, 10–12 November 2004; Available online:
The authors would also like to thank the Bureau of Meteorology and Surveying and Mapping of the Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electric Power of Ethiopia for providing us with flow data, weather (rainfall and temperature) data, and topographic maps, respectively. The first author ...
Various institutes in the country also offer certificate courses in surveying and GIS [145]. An undergraduate degree program in real estate management has recently been launched. The degree is accredited by the HEC and covers the technical, policy, and administrative aspects of LASs [146]. The ...