History, Institutions, and Economic Performance: The Legacy of Colonial Land Tenure Systems in India. We analyze the colonial land revenue institutions set up by the British in India, and show that differences in historical property rights institutions lead... Banerjee,Abhijit - 《American Economic ...
The present paper attempts to focus on the land tenure system in the early 19th century in the south east Punjab.Land was the chief means of livelihood for the people of the south east Punjab and the land revenue was major source of income for the Governments. The land tenure system of ...
BY the middle years of the nineteenth century the land revenue systems and consequent tenurial structure throughout British India exhibited a pattern of striking provincial variation. The large Bengal Presidency, the first great territorial acquisition, boasted a zamindari system, in which the British...
The East India Company’s conquest of various territories in India typically brought one issue to the forefront right away: How would land taxes, the principal source of governmental revenue, be collected? But taxation was not a thing unto itself; it was inextricably linked ...
First, we classify the wasteland and land revenue system in the colonial era, which depicts the historical background of wasteland in India. ii. Second, we further reclassify the post-colonial wasteland policy into three seg- ments depending on the approaches of wasteland-aided policies (Table...
Despite its essential and irreplaceable role in food security, the agricultural sector is often perceived as having the potential to be sacrificed in the name of economic growth, leading to significant land cover transformation into built-up areas and pl
This move is all about making it easier to access and manage land records, and it’s also part of a bigger plan to make things more open and run smoother in the area. The Land Record Information System, i.e., the Jammu and Kashmir Land Record Modernization Program, is a web-based ...
The Manipur Land Reform and Land Revenue Act, 1960 is extended to the whole valley but applies only to a negligible portion of the hill area. Over the years, the state government of Manipur has attempted to pass several land laws with certain amendments and the recent one being the New Lan...
India is currently the world's third largest FinTech ecosystem in terms of the number of FinTechs operating in India. It is growing at a robust pace and is projected to generate around US$200 billion in revenue by the year 20306, contributing to approximately 13 per cent of the global ...
Some local governments began to push the public land leasing system by which they can capture massive land values to increase the local revenues. This spread rapidly to the other cities. As a result, land leasing revenue became a major part of the productive investment expenditure. As is seen...