Rethinking the boundaries between public law and private law for the twenty first century: An introduction. Int. J. Const. Law 2013, 11, 125–128. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Givord, G. Cadastre 3D des restrictions de droit public à la propriété foncière. Ph.D. ...
For a long time, the irregular urban land boundaries, untreated mining pollution, and crude attempts to develop farmland in the region had led to a stable but low level of landscape multifunctionality in the region, while the core ecological spatial positioning in the region was blurred. After ...
Old Englishlandmearc"object set up to mark the boundaries of a kingdom, estate, etc.," fromland(n.) +mearcin its sense "object which marks a boundary or limit" (seemark(n.1)). General sense of "conspicuous object which, by its known position, serves as a guide to a traveler,"...
Many building plots have boundaries in the wrong place where the Land Registry is concerned Plots of land don’t have registered boundaries as a rule. There was a boundary error affecting the Harrises’ plot meaning the house approved to go on it wouldn’t fit. The process for resolving bou...
This dataset does not cover all private properties in the Brazilian Cerrado, and as is a self-declared dataset may have some bias in the properties’ boundaries. However, these limitations do not compromise our main findings, despite that we suggest being considered in future studies on LCLUC ...
The CAR registry is, however, self-declaratory and to date less than five percent of all entries have been verified and checked by the respective states (Brites and De Mello, 2021). Despite this lack of verification, the presentation of CAR entries is used as a requirement to access bank ...
All input data used in this study are publicly available from the corresponding references. The administrative boundaries were obtained from World Bank Official Boundaries. The gridded data of aboveground and belowground carbon accumulation rates of natural regrowth were provided by Susan Cook-Patton (re...
These days I think I’d be a good manager, my patience has certainly improved, I’ve achieved everything and more, that I set out to do, and while I’m still technical, I know my boundaries and wouldn’t want to cross them.
6.25. Avoid publishing secrets to the npm registry TL;DR: Precautions should be taken to avoid the risk of accidentally publishing secrets to public npm registries. An .npmignore file can be used to blacklist specific files or folders, or the files array in package.json can act as a whitel...