This cropland expansion would impact biodiversity most in countries such as the United States, Spain, France, India and Brazil. The cessation of Russia’s participation in the Black Sea Grain Initiative would lead to a doubling of cropland expansion and biodiversity loss compared with the baseline...
The variation in variable costs was mainly due to incurred expenses with the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides, and labor involved in field operations. In the drip irrigation system, the labor cost was half, as compared to the furrow irrigation system, because in furrow ...
The main content of the Silver Purchase Act was to authorize the Department of Treasury to purchase silver in the overseas market until the silver price reached US$ 1.29 per ounce or until the value of silver in the US Treasury reserve reached one-third of the value of the gold reserve. D...
Agreement over general goals is usually easy to achieve especially if all actors share a common development vision for the area. Conflicts arise later when the more detailed planning objectives formulated reveal the critical trade-offs. The priorities set among goals reveal the influence of dominant ...