Wise, John H. “The History of Land Ownership in Hawaii.” In Ancient Hawaiian Civilization , edited by E. S. Craighill Handy et al., 81–93. Rutland: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1965.« The History of Land Ownership in Hawaii », in Handy 1965 : 81-93....
Nestled among the rolling hills of scenic Van Buren County stands this amazing American classic’ barndominium on a top-shelf southern Iowa hunting farm under the same ownership for 41 years. This impressive building has a 10,560-square-foot footprint Ben Harshyne Whitetail Properties Real Estate...
Landownership under Colonial Rule: Korea's Japanese Experience, 1900–1935. By Edwin H. Gragert. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994. ix, 210 pp. $44.00. 262KOREAN STUDIES, VOL. 20 innovation, and economic progress. An important question, then, is not how "strong" states or other...
Land Ownership in Guam Editor’s note:Originally published inKinalamten Pulitikåt: Siñenten I Chamorro: Issues in Guam’s Political Development: The Chamorro Perspective, by the Political Status Education Coordinating Commission, 1996, pp. 2-16. With minor edits, this chapter by Attorney ...
The current standoff between Native Hawaiian protesters and proponents of the planned Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) can take some lessons from similar disputes in the past
HEROES FOR PRESENT PURPOSES?— A LOOK AT THE CHANGING IDEA OF COMMUNAL LAND OWNERSHIP IN BRITAIN: PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS The suggestion that land should be owned communally (usually nationally) has often been put forward in Britain during the last three hundred years. The paper reviews the arguments...
(emphasis in original). This is because '[t]ypical economic uses enable a landowner to derive benefits from land ownership rather than requiring a landowner to sell the affected parcel.'Id.(citingKirby Forest Indus., Inc. v. United States, 467 U.S. 1 (1984) (logging);United States v....
COUNTY OF HAWAII Hazards Building Permits Civil Defense News Statistics Home Ownership Ctr Owner Builder Recreation Puna Development Tax Records "VOG" Conditions Volcano Watch Zoning Code Zoning Definitions MAPS County Planning Maps Kalapana-Kaimu Zone ...
Research your Hawaiian Beaches Real Estate, Hawaiian Beaches Homes and Hawaiian Beaches Land in Puna on Hawaii Island with Woody Musson REALTOR Salesperson at Local Hawaii Real Estate
COUNTY OF HAWAII Big Island Hazards Civil Defense Alerts County of Hawaii Hawaiian Beaches CDP Home Ownership Center Owner Builder Permit Applications Puna Development Plan Recreation Small Business Tax Records "VOG" Conditions Volcano Watch Weather ...