Highlights can be found in the chic storefronts of Ginza and Roppongi Hills, and the otaku items of Asakusa and Harajuku. However, none of these places will be as compelling for Disney fans as Nakano Broadway, which is full of second-hand stores that cater to collectors and geeks, ...
In the far future, war has destroyed the entire Earth, leaving only a barren wasteland where the supply of water is controlled by the greedy king. In search of a long-lost lake, Sheriff Rao asked the king of the demons for help…and got the king’s son, Beelzebub, and his assistant...
When the adorable MAPPA/CyGames/Avex series isn’t bringing those tourism yen to Saga Prefecture, it’s confusing the heck out of us. And we don’t mean story-wise. (Well, yes, the story gets absolutely buckwild. But that’s not what we’re talking about today.)...
the otaku wonderland About Collaborations Blogroll Index Mascots Lists Where Will Deluscar Go From Here? When I was done with my 12 Days last year, I asked the multi-million dollar question “Will I stop?” Or will I continue?” And I’ll be blunt — I’m still not sure. (...
pressing the 1 button or both or moving the d-pad. Another new thing in the game is the ability to inhale multiple objects and enemies simultaneously by shaking the wii remote or wagging the d-pad, and then expel to create a massive energy star that can hit more enemies because of its...
以北野天满宫为舞台,融合日本传统文化、艺术、音乐与美食的活动“KYOTO NIPPON FESTIVAL 2019”中的初音未来为原型制作的等比例模型登场,由手办厂商GSC负责制作,将负责服装原案及主视觉的绘师Rella的特制插画,清纯纤细的形象很好的还原。展现着笑容的MIKU敬请入手细细品鉴。售价29800日元含税(人民币约1716元),将于2023...
otakufreaks.com90%64KGames > Video Games Consoles and Accessories#16,350Analyzeotakufreaks.comComparetootakufreaks.com elrincondelretro.com89%3.9KGames > Video Games Consoles and Accessories#63,254Analyzeelrincondelretro.comComparetoelrincondelretro.com ...
It's been a strange year, so why not cap it off in the strangest way possible: Checking out an announcement for the ZOMBIE LAND SAGA sequel!
Based on the light novel series by Ceez, In the Land of Leadale is on the way to transport us to the world of VRMMORPG Leadale.