We used a hierarchical segmentation approach, meaning that each new level of segmentation is based on the previous level. In the end, the finest level of the hierarchy was chosen because it better reflected the boundaries within the site, avoiding an undesirable high degree of under-segmentation....
Based on a comparative study of Sanskrit and Telugu texts, the sacred geography of Srisailam, and its temple art, the third chapter explores the meaning of the verbal and visual imagery evoking the lotus man&dotbelow;d&dotbelow;ala at Srisailam and analyzes the function of this lotus man&...
In other words, the method can only provide the information whether the pixel value is changed or not. While a qualitative method of change analysis is where classified values are being processed and therefore is able to provide the exact meaning of a change in each of the image pixels [1]...
These spectral indices, particularly the NDVI and NDWI, are consistently identified in several LULC mapping initiatives [40,47,71]. Although water bodies were not mapped in this study, the NDWI was shown to be relevant, meaning that it has potential to be considered in future mappings of this...
It is important to note that the analyst must indicate the thematic meaning of the generated spectral classes since the program does not detect it [37]. Due to the interest in classification, many automatic classifiers have been developed that can be used in the SR area. Some of the most ...
Using a Multilayer Feed-Forward Neural Network (MLFFNN), we compared its performance to that of SVM and Maximum Likelihood Classification when segmenting images for semantic meaning (MLC) [79]. Wetlands were modelled using four classifiers (k-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, and Decision Tree). ...
Based on Multi-Dimensional Point Cloud AnalysisAdvancements in Geospatial Planning and Assessment of Green Infrastructure in Cities of the FutureAdvances and Innovations in Land Use/Cover MappingAdvances in AI-Driven Geospatial Analysis and Data GenerationAdvances in AI-Driven Geospatial Analysis and Data ...