Modeling the drivers of urban land use changes in Lusaka, Zambia using multi-criteria evaluation: An analytic network process approachdoi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104441Matamyo SimwandaYuji MurayamaManjula RanagalagePergamon
Location: Zambia - LusakaCompanies from ZambiaTrade Leads from ZambiaProducts from Zambia Classification(s): Animal Products - Fishery MachinesFood - Others Primary Business Type(s): Importer / Exporter More Importers / Exporters...Contact Information Join Now or Loginto contact Panland General Dealer...
12. Interview with Biofuels Association of Zambia, 14 April 2009; Lusaka Times (2009). 13. Interview with a technical consultant for COFCO, 25 March 2009. 37 Major private land deals that have actually reached conclusion have involved both agrifood companies and biofuels developers. Examples of ...
middle of Southern Africa. Zambia’s area is 752,610 square kilometers, which is slightly larger than the state of Texas. The country has 9.5 million inhabitants, of which 2 million are living in the capital Lusaka. English is the official language but around 70 indigenous languages are also...
Fanshawe D:The Vegetation of Zambia. Lusaka, Zambia: Government Printer; 1971. Google Scholar Chidumayo EN:Development ofBrachystegia-Julbernardiawoodland after clear-felling in central Zambia: evidence for high resilience.Appl Veg Sci2004,7:237–242. ...
LusakaZambiaCurbing the historically unplanned urban development in African cities crucially demands that the drivers of urban land use (urban-LU) changes are comprehended. However, this has become a complex decision problem for African urban planners and policy makers owing to the interconnections ...
ZambiaMany cities in developing countries are experiencing urbanization characterised by the continu-ous proliferation of informal settlements. In the City of Lusaka over 70 percent of residents live in informal settlements. The purpose of this paper is to provide an account of how inclusive land ...
This study examines the spatiotemporal patterns of urban land use (urban-LU) change in the rapidly urbanising city of Lusaka, Zambia, during the 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 periods, using geospatial tool and techniques. The results show that the city experienced rapid urban growth, with about a ...
Government of the Republic of Zambia.The Registration and Development of Villages Act, Chapter 289 of the Laws of Zambia; Government Printers: Lusaka, Zambia, 1994. Mbanga, T.M.; Mulenga, M.C.; Membele, G. Monitoring forest cover change in Kalomo Hills local forest using remote sensing an...
The urban land question in Africa: The case of urban land conflicts in the city of Lusaka, 100 years after its founding. Habitat Int. 2015, 48, 209–218. 6. Shen, L.Y.; Peng, Y.; Zhang, X.L.; Wu, Y.Z. An alternative for evaluating sustainable urbanization. Cities 2012, 29, ...